Chapter 21 Don't touch what's mine

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NOW PLAYING "Blank Space" By Taylor Swift

~3rd person POV~

Jungkook slammed the the already cracked communication device on the wall, totally shattering to pieces. Anger ride in his vein, it was a beautiful jolly morning he had woken up to, thoughts of Y/N flowing in the air like a melody. But then he get's pestered when one of his men barge in claiming some idiot had kidnapped his princess. How? he had no idea, he was busy with work for a couple of days and in turn had kept one of his men in-charge of protecting his kitten. But this happened? Those incapable fools. Grabbing his robe, he walked down to one of the torture rooms in his mansion, inside sat a man on his knees pleading for his life. In-front of his stood a man with his infamous smile, blood decorated the room as the man grabbed another wrench from the table his smile widening even more hiding his eyes into a crescent shaped upside down moons. The man below his shake in fear as the other man spoke, "I wonder will this fit too? How many are there now...three? four? oh well we need to see." 

"Please I'm so sorry sir, I ...Please no more.." the man begged bowing his head again and again as lines of blood traveled from between his legs. 

"Hyung" Jungkook called Jimin not showing an ounce of pity for his subordinate who failed one of the most important mission. He would've loved to kill him in an instant but Jimin had suggested worse fate for him than death, well he was the expert of torture so Jungkook just trusted his hyungs decision. 

"Oh Kookie" the elders sadistic smile turned into a genuine one as he continued keeping his tools down, for the time being, and walking towards the younger, "I guess you already broke the phone in anger, good thing Tae had already tracked him out."

Sighing the younger gave one glance to the man that was on the floor, and headed out with Jimin behind on his trail. As the walked to his room Jimin casually started "Well if Y/n is really the Doe, them I don't think we should be that worried." 

Jungkook just gritted his teeth, even he was super confused about what was cooking in that woman's head, was she seriously in danger or was it another one of her games, anyway one thing was for sure, he had to save her. Reaching their destination, he grabbed the door knobs before barging in. The room was drenched in darkness with the only source of light coming from multiple screens of computers and other devices that covered the entirety of the room. A single man sat in the middle of this cluster, speedily typing something. 

"Tae Tae!" Jimin pouted from behind Jungkook, "You are doing it again!" 

Finally Taehyung removes his headphones and look at his guest, "Oh Chim Chim and Jungkook what bri-" 

He was cut off by a stomping Jimin who skipped past all the garbage in the room and turned on the lights. The room was a literal filth of packets of junk food.  "I have told you many times, to clean! But you never listen!" 

"Oh bae..listen that I-"

"No more excuses!" 

An awkward Jungkook finally had to fake cough to bring the love birds attention on him. "So hyung..did you track the call?"

Taking on a serious demeanour both the men straiten up, listing to what Taehyung had discovered. "Yes" taking out a file he threw a copy to Jungkook and another to Jimin. "the call came from a burn phone, but still I managed to find out where and who bought it. It was brought by a 25 year old high schooler, who obviously wasn't good at school, named Choi Ho."

"Choi Ho?" Jungkook questioned not able to remember the guy as an important man who would have enough grudge or rather guts to go against him, grudge that many people had against him but none of them had the courage to go against him. Either this man was too self centered in regard to his power or was a complete idiot. 

"Yeah...apparently he's a no body that you need to put so much pressure on your brain. He's an idiot." Taehyung answered the questions in the younger's mind. 

"Then...why is he going after what's boss's?" Jimin questioned next.

"Apparently he had a brother named Choi In Ho from Busan. You guys lived there, does the name click something?" raising and eyebrow he questioned the other two.

"Ah" both Jungkook and Jimin said at the same time. 

"What seriously you guys do..who is he?" almost getting up from his seat Taehyung looked at them with eyes filled with curiosity. 

"He is ..rather was a famous mobster in Busan." Jimin explained.

"So? What does he has against Kookie?"

"Well one day he was pissing me a lot so I...." Jungkook looked away remembering the stupid incident that happened in his middle school. He was still in Busan with Jimin learning the workings of the gang. That's when he had meet Choi In Ho who was in college or something.


"Well things happened and he's dead along with his gang..tehe?" Jimin continued smiling a bit at the end.

Dumbstruck Taehyung looked at them both then he remembered that it was Jungkook they were talking about. 

"Bae close your mouth before I put something in it" Jimin said launching a wink towards the boy. 

Counging Taehyung said "So now his brother is after your blood more like your girls blood for that reason".

"Apparently...but whatever the reason that idiot dared to touch something which he should've never even thought about." His anger rose again as he just wanted to mush that pathetic fly to bits and pieces. "He touched my Y/N!" his voice roared through the mansion along with thud noise of him punching a hole through one of the walls. 

~Auth Bs~

I'm bad at naming ...just know Choi Ho is the younger brother and Choi In Ho is the elder brother killed by Jk in Busan. 

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