Chapter 12 Mafia Business

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Now playing "Gangsta" by Kehlani

~3rd person pov~

Twiddling with the un-smoked cigarette between his fingers he gave one final look at the window. Where he was just hours ago, at the same place his love stood combing through those long luscious locks of her. She wore a knee leg night suit and hummed as she admired herself in the mirror. Oh did he not want to comb his fingers through those locks of hers, oh did he not want to play with the hem of her night suit, oh did he not want to admire her in true sense, oh did he not want her melody to ring through his body, but such was fate. Even if he was some feet away from her, he couldn't just go and have his wishes fulfilled.

When she was finally done she looked outside only to find a black car parked in the darkness, the only thing that was visible was the the lit cigarette bud. Her curious gaze tried to adjust her sight to look at the face of her handsome predator of the night. But to her avail she couldn't see anything. A smirk played on his lips when he saw her curiosity, it had been a week but anything his princess did, he found it adorable. Suddenly her expressions turned that of fear and in a hurry she closed the curtains. A dark laugh ran through the empty night streets as he finally decided, seeing the lights go off in her room, to go. Throwing the un-smoked bud he chimed the engine on, accelerating towards his next target. But unlike his kitten, whom he loved, he loathed the next one.

It had been week since the mysterious Doe had appeared and kidnapped a girl near him, although he didn't give a damn about the stupid bitch she had kidnapped, he was indeed worried about Y/N. So he has been keeping an eye on her, protecting her, all the time. Surely he could just keep her with him but something was stopping him. Their was a feeling in his gut that y/N wasn't just a sweet nigh tangle but something more like a fierce eagle.

~Your Pov~

A chuckle escapes my lips as I peek through the curtains, watching my knight in shinning armour go. He has had his attention on me all the time which makes me super happy.

Though tonight is supposed to be different, something big was about to happen. But I wonder what, I think as I get up to change into my Doe form. Earlier I had bugged the guy, Jimin I think his name was, when he attempted to follow me.

Zipping on the black suit and my bunny mask I head out.

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~3rd person pov~

The car came to a screeching stop infront a factory. The factory which seemed totally normal from outside was actually a drug den on the inside. Jungkook got out of the car, pulling his bunny mask over his face. Outside he was greeted by Jimin and Taehyung and together they headed inside.

Inside sat the bitches loan shark father as he glared at the boy. Instantly he did the first mistake of the night, he dared shout at the boy who no longer seemed like a boy.

"How dare you show your face here! You broke the deal, now get lost!" he spat .

A sigh escaped Jung-kooks lips as he shook in disapproval before taking out his gun and shooting the confused man infront him on the shoulder. Groaning in pain he fell down screaming on top of his lungs. Multiple men unveiled their weapons ready to take down the enemy but before they could do that the bored man signaled his own men, who were hiding all this time and they easily took down the armed men.

Scratching his head from the tip of his hot gun, he bend down a bit, pitying the the fallen man.

"Tsk Tsk tsk, its just a cruel world , where people can take advantage of your kindness. You thought you could order me around just because I showed some leverage to you? For. Your. Information that day I was in a good mood, doesn't mean you can walk over me!" his last words roared in the room. He remembers the day the loan shark had approached him he was dreaming about Y/N.

The bleeding man gritted his teeth, still his arrogance taking over his logic as he did the second mistake of the night, spitting on Jungkooks face, or his mask. "Fu*k you Jeon Jungkook. You would never get what you want."

A sinister chuckle escapes his lips as he glares, through his mask, "Oh don't worry about it, I know exactly where it is, after all your wife gave me her mouth on that bed. P.S..." he whispers this " I enjoyed it" he said as he reminisce imagining Y/N in her place. Getting up he signaled his men before walking out and cleaning his mask.

Loud screams echoed in the dark of the night as a satisfactory grin spread on his lips. But not all were happy, as a an angry bunny sitting and watching the show live from the rooftop, clenched her fist. Anger ran through her veins when she heard that another woman had her mouth around what was rightfully hers, and moreover her man had enjoyed it. That was unacceptable, unforgivable sin. But again it was not Jungkook's fault, it was that bitch's and her mothers fault, all their fault.

With that she disappeared in the darkness.

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