Chapter 37 Rot in Peices

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NOW PLAYING "Sucker for pain" by Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons

The boy groaned as his vision became clear. Chain crackled under him, strong metallic blood taste sweetened his mouth, damp air surrounded his body.

A single window barred up with boards managed to slip a little light in the room, shaking his head a bit his blurry vision became clear as he studied the room. Mud and mold covered most of the 'room'.

His breathing became heavy, it maybe the air here or the gas from earlier but his throat felt dry, as if the skin in his wind pipe was cracking up, peeling and if it weren't relief soon it would start bleeding. The irony of the situation was that their was a bottle filled with water conveniently placed right infront of him, just some inches away.

A mocking laugh escaped his lips as he rolled his eyes. It was an obvious torture trick, first tie the victim and keep a thing of relief near them giving a sense of confidence only for them to reach out and break down when they can't. They might think of him as some lowly idiot who would think positively of his situation. The situation was clear and cut, he was kidnapped, chained, and whatever was coming wasn't good.


Somewhere in the darkened streets, covered by black hooded capes three people walked. Their attire camouflaging perfectly with the night  and like a empress Y/N walked towards the school gates.

One by one they all jumped in, their target one, the student council room.

There was something wrong with Min Yoongi, for he must be an idiot to go through the length of becoming a prime enemy and target of Jeon clan just for some school discipline. The jail break is the testing line, if Jungkook wasn't kidnapped then it was just his stupid rivalry for superiority but if he does then it is something deeper.

Lights dazzled from the room as they all looked at each other.


The hinges of the door cracked before an annoying screeching sound echoed in the room. Men entered the room all looking down at the man chained up. Slowly a amused grin formed on Jungkook's features as he looked up, yet another irony of today, usually it was he who looked down but it was opposite today.

"Nice treatment and accessories you boys have given me" even though his parched throat still hurts the arrogance in his tone didn't waver a bit "Now how about you fetch me your leader, eh?"

They all looked at each other, there was something about the aura of this man, a death stare so sinister that even scared hired mercenaries.

"It's ok boys" a calm composed voice interrupted their confused thought process.

A man whose attire contrasted every living being of this rotten room. White which after looking at so much black kinda hurt Jungkook's eyes.

"Jin" the boy murmed as he watched the elder walk in like a royalty.

A smile of kindness spread in his lips as he pitted the state Jungkook was in. And that absolutely angered the boy, how dare someone pity him. With a wave he commanded the men to spill out of the crammed room. The unsure men after sometime complied and went out.

Sighing Jin looked at the bottle and picked it up. Opening the lid he squat infront of the chained boy.

"Here drink up" he offered the water by putting the bottle on his lips.

"Hah! What is this charity service for all you are gonna kill?"

Titling his head Jin just replied "I'm not gonna kill you... And don't worry this not poisoned. "

Being in the mafia for so long had taught the boy to smell a lie... But he didn't sense any lie from Jin's words. Putting his lips on the mouth of the bottle, with the help of Jin he gulped the whole thing down.

Silence penetrated the room as Jin sat on a chair infront of him.

After what seemed like forever drowned in silence the boy looked up a smile of pure evil spread on his lips.

"So what does Mr Angel want from me?"

The tiny finger of Jin twitched as he raised his brows. Bending forward he looked straight in Jungkook's darkened eyes, his sweet calm composer turned stone cold.

"All sinners must rot in peices"


As Y/N and her team pushed farther in towards the room, a clock chimed marking the 12hour of midnight. It was decision time.

To be or not to be. Everything will be decided now.

After what seemed like forever waiting a ping confirmed the kidnap.

Nodding to the boys she said "looks like we have no choice". 



For any confused Y/N pov it is still before midnight when Jungkook got kidnapped.

And Jungkook's pov is of the next day.


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