Chapter 16 Lips

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Now Playing "Come here" by Masta Wu

Warning . Don't. Ever.  Give. This. Boy. A. Glass. Of. Water.

My mind, my heartu, my soul, my body. Everything was on fire. Note call the fire dept.

It was an innocent glass of water that I had handed him just minutes ago and within minutes later he is drenched in it.

What happened? You might wonder.

After handing  the seemingly innocent glass I turned around to grab one for myself. But the disaster started as soon as I turned my head. The glass's rim that was on his sinister lips played with his tongue. The tongue I wanted to play with, all night long. His eyes held a sinister smirk and I knew something bad was about to happen. Slowly the glass traveled from his delicious lips pulling them harshly along with it, down his sharp jawline, down his neck. Tracing a wet line of water, did I not want to run my own tongue down that line licking it clean. 

And then came the master plan that the lust god had planned. Down came the glass titling bit by bit and bit by bit the droplets of water moved closer and closer to the rim. With that the contents of the glass were soon spilled all over his white school uniform shirt.

And the lords have to make rule of white shirts going transparent from a single drop of water. And that's what happened, in all his glory were show cased the hard muscles that were usually hidden under that clothing material.

I would lie if I said it wasn't a mouth watering sight. I would lie if I said I didn't gap like a fish. I would lie if I said I didn't want to run my fingers.

Coz I want to!!!

As if reading my mind, the sex God wait the sex devil haunted his way towards me like a predator coming for his prey.

His gaze enjoyed my flushed reaction, my accelerated breathing, my heart going crazy, my core craving him.

But the boy, no sex devil wasn't done with his teasing, oh no. Casually running his hand through those luscious hair of his he closed the distance between us. As if it was an instinct that my legs moved back. One step forward he look, one step back I took. The mantra kept on repeating until my back hit the table, making me grasp in surprise. But did that stop Jeon Jungkook? No, rather he took it as a cue to trap me between his arms. With his sleeves rolled up, the masculinity was well on display.

My own glass which thanks to the sex devil I totally forgotten about was clasped between my fingers as if my life depended on it. My body was shaking as his hot breath hit my even more heated skin, indicating how close we were to each other. I think I stopped breathing as my eyes looked straight into his dark ones, which were totally different than mine a mixture of lust and amusement .

Licking his lips his hand shot up making me jump a bit but rather than going for me his reached for the glass in my hand, which I didn't realize I was holding so tight to the point that it might break any second, like me. Slipping the glass out which I had taken a sip out of, he turned it 180° to where my lips had come in contact with the rim and placed his own there gulping the liquid down as if it was   elixir . Sucking the spot clean of any of my remaining lipbalm, with a pop he removed the glass placing it right besides me. His eyes held pleasure, a sly smirk plastered on his face as he whispered a 'thanks' before walking away and out the door.

The breath I was holding for how long was finally exhaled.

What on Earth was that?

My hands reach my flushed heated cheeks.

Jeon Jungkook I'll take revenge for that!

With that a smile spread on lips as I take the same glass placing my lips on the exact spot where his were.

Later that night I placed the glass making sure to preserve his lip marks, those lips that will soon be mine.

3rd person POV

As Y/N danced in joy, in a dark room there was a man surrounded my piles and piles of papers.  Each of them containing some or another details about different people related to the recent case of kidnapping and elimination of a family. On the top suspect list was a familiar name of Jeon Jungkook and another with a question mark on it.

"I will find you. And make you pay for you did. " The man growls filled with wrath as he glares at the photo.

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