Chapter 19 Who kidnaps Me?!!

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Now playing "Gashina" by Sunmi

Blood gushed to my brain as I hung upside-down. My limbs tightly secured with a rope. A single light bulb illuminated the room which hung right besides be, maybe he could be my new buddy.

Turning my head from left to right I scan my surroundings, before concluding that I was stuck in a warehouse which is probably near a dock considering pungent fishy smell that hit my nostrils.

"Now.. Now how on Earth did I end here?" I say to myself rewinding my memory lane.

Last I remember I was hopping with happiness as I returned from the grocery shop. A jute bag was in hand that I hugged as if it consisted of my life, maybe it did, it had my favorite cookie dough ice cream that I've been craving for so long. Humming a song I actually paid attention to the entity stalking behind me. Whoever it was, he wasn't my Jungkook as he wasn't as clumsy as this person. Interesting question was who was it? But I was not in the mood to find out, I had urgent matters at hand called melting ice cream.

Turning around one final time before I would've arrived at my street but that annoying presence won't go away. Spring was at dawn and the heat had started to take a toll on us earthlings and their frozen products. All of a sudden a muffled scream startled me making me drop my precious baby.

"Oh now you have done it" I turned around to give a peice of my mind to the insolent fool but as soon as I turned something bulky hit the back of my skull and black dots formed in my vision. The last thing I saw before I passed out was the open lid of poor ice cream and a scared woman who I knew from somewhere.

That brings us to present and my condition. I tell you this is not a lovely posture for your body. A sharp thumping vibrated in my head, probably parts of it from the earlier skull shattering and this sudden pool of blood forming in my head.

I squirmed like a fish outside water shaking my body from side to side in hopes that it'll loosen one or two of the rope. But oh no, who so ever had tied me was a bondage expert, so much so that if they weren't my captive I might've gone for a private lesson. That's also one of the reason why I haven't reached for the blade that always keep tied around my inner thigh, for you know self defense. What is the other reason? Curiosity... I'm curious as to which idiot had kidnapped me and why. And trust me that reason better be good or I swear I'm actually smashing him into peices!

Finally giving up on escaping plans I resort to my final option, shouting. Because obviously whoever this person was he won't kill me immediately, if he wanted to, I would've already be on the bottom of that sea.

"Ya! What in Earth do you think you are doing!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

After what seemed like hours of futile shouting and struggling finally two figures walked in. Both their faces covered with ugly masks, huh someone teach them how to do masks. One hulk of a male wearing a pig mask and a meek figure of woman wearing a butterfly mask followed him.

The man spoke the annoying authorization in his voice, " so finally you woke."

Rolling my eyes I reply "well I was awake long ago, maybe if you had better hearing you would've noticed."

Slightly taken back he whispered, which thanks to his think voice was more audible that anything "hey you said she was meek kind weak woman."

His companion who seemed more meek and weak that me, considering my current situation, lowered hey head apologies flowing out of her lips. Sighing the man just growled at her to shut up, making her flinch back. Hmm this woman maybe I could use her.

Breathing in one more time, he continued "listen kitten if you do what I say then I won't hurt you. Just some more hours and we will set you free."

Only.My. Buck. Can. Call. Me. Kitten. Pig!

I scoff "if you don't wanna hurt me, then why are you waiting for my arteries to busy open and for me to bleed n die!"

As if realization hit his thick skull he tells his slave to put me down. Like an obedient dog.. no livestock she immediately ran towards the other end of the rope, while her companion went out to make a call. Untieing the rope she fumbled with the knots. Rolling my eyes again I shouted, "you dumbass if you do that then you'll crack my skull open!"

"Um sorry" she spoke for the first time and immediately I recognized that voice.

Pretending to not know of my new discovery I tell her it's ok and to bring a futon so that I would have a soft landing. First of all which bone head had the idea to hang hostage upside-down... Oh wait never mind, I know.

Finally I was down, the woman who I knew very well from my recent project studies with her was now carefully untieing the rope on my limbs. The way she did it, making sure their were no scares left on my body answers my earlier question. She is the bondage master also she is the annoying woman thanks to whom my poor ice cream had now turned milkshake for gutter.

Now I could easily break her unsuspecting neck and get out. But a major question floated in my head, if these idiots hadn't kidnapped me to gain something from me and me alone then why exactly had the gone through the lengths of going against my wrath, oh because I'm still not happy about that ice cream situation and add the headache I got from the earlier posture.


Exactly 1k words


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