Chapter 33 Sunshine

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NOW PLAYING "Lolita" by Lana Del Rey

Bright sunshine slipped inside the flowing curtains. As an when the light hit his face the boy groaned and then slept again. This went for a bit when finally his sleep decided to give up. As if it was a routine pattern that his body has developed, his hands traveled all over the bed searching for another warm body besides him. But their was none.

A sudden panic hit his system as with a jolt he got up.

"Gone!" he said as he saw an empty space besides him. The sheets had gone cold meaning that she had left long ago. Without thinking anything he just ran.

"Oh God... I'm so sorry..." He murmed as memories of of last night flooded his mind. Without a second thought, without a care of his surroundings or his bare condition he just ran outside.

"Y/n!" He screamed in the top of his lungs. His voice echoed though the empty halls as last night he had ordered everyone to leave. Stupid him. If Y/N wanted she could've easily left.

"Y/N! Babe where are you..."

He searched high and low, every room, every corridor. Door after door. Empty.

Huffing he stood in the middle of a hallway. How many times had he already scanned every part of this mansion, but he couldn't find her anywhere. 

"I'm an idiot" he cried banging his head on a nearby wall. "damn it" he punched the wall. That's when it hit him.

He didn't check the garden.

At this point of guilt and desperation it didn't matter that he was barefooted. Sharp needle like grass stung him, but this was nothing compared to the pain he had given Y/N. 

His heart was racing... The fearless Jeon Jungkook was afraid. What happened to him?

His steps came to a halt when in the midst the flower beds and water sprinklers she laid. The white sundress she wore had turned transparent showcasing matching bra and panty she wore inside.

Laying under the sun on her stomach she was so indulged in a book that she was unable to notice a naked presence that admired her.

Time passed when she noticed his presence.

"Jungkook" she blushed looked at the naked man. Covering her eyes she looked away. "What are you doing pervert!" With his erection ready and evident to the world, with no shame what so ever he moved towards the person who had given him a boner.

Bending down he just pulled her into a tight embrace. Her sweet vanilla scent eloped him. With his hardness poking her in the stomach she just hugged him back.

That day they learned the word fear... Fear of losing your loved one as they made love to each other... The sweetest one they had ever made.

~your pov~

It's interesting how love can change people. Where it can give life to some it can also take someone's life.

Music blasted in my ear as I walk towards my destination. Bright sunshine accompanied my walk. Where was I going? To meet an old friend.

Reaching the destination, a beautiful tiny Cafe I look around. Spotting him I call him washing my hand. "Hoseok!"

Instantly his head turned towards me and a smile brighter than the sun bloomed on his lips. "Y/N" he got up.

Now you might be wondering...Me meeting another man? Does Jungkook know? Of course! He doesn't... Like I know in a relationship you shouldn't hide things... Buttttttt if I can get things solved without getting his hands dirty, wouldn't that be good? After all we want things to remain diplomatic.

"Hey how have you been?" He asked looking at me from head to toe. Good thing I wore full sleeves and stockings or he would've noticed the bruises from last night. Not that I'm sad, I take that as Jungkook's marking on me.

"I'm doing fine... But" I looked down.

Suddenly sensing the tension in my voice he grabbed my arms. "What happened? Did he do something?"

"I. .. Can't leave Hoseok ... He can harm my family... He's very powerful..."

Sighing a bit he looked down, ideas running in his head. "Don't worry ...I bet if I tell hyung he would help .."

My eyes widen at his suggestion... Damn it Stone president can't know...
"Wait! You said he didn't care about me. All he cares about is his revenge... We can't trust him!"

With a ah he agreed with me "Hmm... Maybe then he can help us..."

"Who?" I ponder titling my head a bit.


Kim Namjoon? The only character I haven't met till now. According to his profile he is the vice president with a great intellect. With leadership skills and high IQ level he was a perfect candidate to lead the school if it weren't for the reserved seat of the president. He is a quite man who spends most of his time in the library isolated from the world, so not much is known about him.

"Kim Namjoon" I murmed, then a strong gush of wind blew. With it came the scent which can't be caught by normal people, blood. Automatically my eyes traveled in that direction.

Amidst the crowd a girl with short hair that peeked from her hoodie walked. She was invisible to the world as she walked like a ninja with her body covered in bandages.

Something in my heart told me .....I know her... But how? Huh...

Looking back I hugged Hoseok bye and went my way .... Not before putting a tiny bug on his bag.

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