Chapter 34 Desires

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Now playing " Desire" by Years & Years

The boy rolled around as he watched multiple screens display a single woman walking.

"You can hide but you can't run" he giggles watching her lips bloom into a smile. Along with her walked his sole enemy... He who didn't suit with her, who much he just wanted to ripe his heart out but he couldn't, he had promised to let his kitten do what she wanted...."it is all for us" she assured him. But he being he couldn't just let her go. Surely he trusted her, but he just wanted to keep her safe.

Soon their short meeting came to an end. Still Jungkook had no idea what was going, and he didn't like that one bit. His Y/N would never keep secrets from him there must be a reason for her to hide ... Well that won't go on for long.

Lying on his back he scanned the dark room. This was his own little paradise filled with photos... Dozens and dozens of them, some of which clicked with her consent and others in secret.

He groaned as bright light from outside hit his sensitive eyes. Taehyung had opened the door.

"Oh hyung... Did you find what I asked for?"

~your pov~

After "date" with Hoseok was done I went home. School was starting soon so I had to go back to my own home. Wondering what happened to my parents, considering how I was out for so many days they should be worried or angry or something! But guess what they didn't even notice I wasn't home. There constant traveling had made them forget my presence. Which is conveniently good for me.

( Author nim had totally not added that for convince of the plot)

Next day

Walking down the hallway I spot my love. "Kookie" I scream making everyone turn their heads towards us. Not caring about them I ran towards him jumping in his arms. Instantly balances our weights, his glare enough to hush the whispering students around us.

"Hey kitten" he cooed his hot breath near my ear, sending shivers down my spine. A smile beamed in my lips.
After a make out session in the middle of the whole crowd we had to unwillingly part way as it was time for our classes.

"I will miss you" I pout as we go our ways.

"Don't worry I always have my eyes on you" he smiled.

When we were away from each other's sight, rather than going straight to my class I hoped in the stairs as I walked towards the third floor where library was located.

Today we were gonna talk to Namjoon, who probably knew about Yoongi's plan more than Hoseok. With that hope in mind my steps carry me to the double door place. As I stand before it, admiring the weird patterns on it an eerie presence I had missed walked behind me.

"I won't go there if I was you"

I turn around, my heart beating like crazy inside my rib cage. A girl, I had seen a day before stood behind me. She wore her school uniform like all of us, her bandages long gone. I wonder how could she heal so soon.

"What?" I ask in a sweet voice hiding the scare she gave me.

"Desires... He is an expert in smelling them. And you..... You aren't filled with them. You just have one strong desire..... Just who are you....." He murmed most of it to herself.


"Hah... Maybe she can trick the devil himself. Anyway be careful in their." The last line surprised me as she said it in a normal high tone.

With that she walked away.

"Wait" I called behind her only in vain as she disappeared.

"Desires eh?" I murmer.

With that even I walked in.

~3rd pov~

As the girl walked in she looked back a smile spreading on her lips. "New place new story...aggg humans are such a wonderful creatures."

~your pov~

The library was an exclusive place. But no body knew for whom. Only the student council vice president could be found in this abandoned place. Rest of the students just used the one in the ground floor.

"Hello?" I called out. I knew it was wrong to talk loud in a library but there was literally no one in sight.

Hoseok had already talked with his hyung and Namjoon had agreed to talk to me. But some how I didn't trust the guy, first the information about him was limited second this was the first time me meeting him and third was this repelling feeling that my instincts gave.

Walking in, with every step I had the urge to pull out my trusty knife.

"L/Y/N" a voice startled me. What's with today and people sneaking behind me.

Turning around my eyes widen as I look up to the perfectly carved face of the 5'11 man that was only some inches away from me.

Stumbling back a bit I look around a bit taken back. Where did he come from.

"Hoseok.." he continued without noticing my flustered self. "Told me about your issue" he emphasized the issue.

"Come" he offered me a seat by the window.

For what so ever reason my senses won't calm down near him. Taking a deep breath I walk towards the seats and take one infront of him.

We just stared at each other for minutes and minutes. His eyes studying my every features and after an eternity a frown formed on his features. His leisurely stance changed as he moved forward observing me more closely. I felt more like a lab rat under his gaze.

"Interesting" he murmed as he resumed his leisurely stance on the chair, his rigid lip lines curving up to form an amused smirk.

"So what can I do for you?" His eyes turned soft as if luring me in.

"What do you mean?" I asked. According my knowledge Hoseok had already provided him with enough information to know my purpose was protection.

A knowing smile spread on his lips dimples forming as he leaned closer again.

In a hushed voice he spoke, as if hiding some secret from the ears off the empty room. "I know you just desire one thing... That sure isn't protection. You are a liar, a trickster, a queen spider who has everyone trapped in your pandora box. Now tell child... What is it that you truly desire. " By this time he was just inches away from me.

Suddenly there was slam declaring the double doors being opened. "what she desires she already has"

Both our head turned around, there stood my prince in shining armor Jeon Jungkook.

A sigh escaped Namjoon lips as he plopped back his chair. Jungkook walked in with a deadly glare in his stance which he directed towards the unfazed man. Taking my hand he pulled me with him.

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