Chapter 18 Pure White

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NOW PLAYING "Yes No Maybe" by Suzy Bae

~3rd person pov~

Piles and piles of papers were scattered everywhere, a frustrated groan fills the room as teenage heads come together to solve the assignment. Y/n who totally seemed unaffected by the incidents of yesterday or atlest she tried to under the dark gaze of Jungkook which just refused too leave her. He carried an aura of hunger, hunger for a peculiar woman that tried her level best to ignore the beast in room.

It was as if everyone in the room cognizant of the thirst in his demeanor except one idiot or he just ignored it, anyway he was dancing infront of angry lion, Hoseok who couldn't seem to control himself. He just couldn't stop himself from flirting with Y/N, and only for sake of Y/N had Jungkook kept his anger at bay.

After the time together ended Hoseok walked cautiously to the student council room. He was the secretary so surely it was normal for him to be here at this time, yet he was nervous and hella scared. Although the president had assured him but he was shit scared for his life, afterall he was a direct bait thrown infront of the infamous Jeon Jungkook.

"President" he reported his presence.

Min Yoongi who stood gazing outside looking at the prestigious school his father had worked so hard to build as she replied to his companion "Yes Jung."

"I've done what you told me to. And it seems your predictions were right, Jeon Jungkook has some kind of special thing for L/Y/N".

A smirk of victory plastered on the olders lips as he hummed in approval, "good ... Keep with the facade and see what happens next."

"But-" the younger tried to reason but was cut off from the cold glare that the president have him. He won't hear no for an answer and get what he wanted.

Surely even Hoseok knew that but he also knew the risk his life was in when he went near the Lion's property.  Y/N was a lovely lady who would be able enchant any man but she was heavily gaurded by a man, no the devil himself.

"Also" Yoongi added "did you find anything in this L/Y/N?"

Scratching his head the younger replied, "no, her record is pure white clean."

"Ok, you are dismissed. "

"Yes sir" with that Hoseok walked out.

Saying to no one in particular "pure white, eh?"


The play ground was prepared, pieces were set, they moved according to her whips.

Sitting in her leather clanded outfit, she licked her lips. A childish giggle filled the room as she looked at a screen infront of her. Lines that rose and fell indicated the heart rate of her little slave, that was in captivation of her love. It was a gift she had given her when she returned her.

Currently the motion indicated that she was asleep probably from the sedatives doctors had given her, after her 'attack'. But soon she will wake up and infront her will stand the Jeon Jungkook himself, questioning her about Doe.

The thought of him curious about her turned her on to the point that her fingers reached her core as the other hand roughly grabbed her breast teasing, pulling the sensitive flesh as the fingers rubbed and pumped her excited core.

Soon the monitor started beeping vigorously indicating that her mind slave was wake and shit scared infront of the mafia boss. As the beeps increased her rythum too accelerated. Titling her head she reached her high screaming her lovers name, craving him to be in her.


Inside the basement a meek woman woke up, horrifying memories of what she has done returning as her heart beat accelerated.  She screamed cried thumping her skull on any near by object, trying to crack it open. The melancholy of Doe's sweet voice still played in her head and she just begged to make it stop. At the end, before she could have a panic attack doctors had to come in and give her medics to calm her down.

Later she was taken to a pure white room, ironically she thought, as she knew the things that were about to happen were not pure at all. After a while with a thump Jungkook entered. But she didn't care, her mind was so dazed that now she didn't even know weather or not she was alive.

A round of question and answers were played, more like forced. And the end result was what the boy had anticipated.

"So what'd she tell you?" Taehyung asked.

A smirk spread on the younger lips "what I had anticipated."

Olders eyes widen in shock, "but she seems so..." He trailed off unsure what to say.

"Pure white?" He completed his sentence. "well I knew from starting that red was her color."

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