Chapter 13 Mind Slave

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Now Playing "Black Widow" by Iggy Azalea ft Rita Ora

~third person's pov~

Doe hummed in happiness, hoping as she walked around the hallway. Behind her in a room the girl who had thought she was finally free sob in fear holding a knife in her hand. The orders were given and she had to follow them, if she valued her own life. Little did she knew the end will be same, her destiny was fixed by the devil, Doe.

As she skipped like a little girl, suddenly a person tackled her pinning her tiny body on the wall besides them. Glared at her the angry Jungkook, who in her eyes didn't seem so angry.

His hot breath hit her cold face, indicating the closeness between them. This send butterflies of bliss down her abdomen. Her breathing hiked, literally, when his long fingers clasped around her petite neck, vacuuming the air out of her lungs.

" What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. Here." He demanded in a stern tone.

A cough escaped her lips, but her expressions didn't show that of discomfort but that of sick pleasure.

Staring straight in his eyes, she pulled him closer. And whisper "punishing the sinner."

Confused he asks "what?!"

But a peircing scream cuts him, source of which came from the other end of the hallway. This distraction was enough for Doe to slip out of his grasp and in turn push him on the wall.

Jungkook was surprised when a woman not even half the size of him managed to dominate him. Surely it was advantage of his distraction and now he could easily overcome her again but he wanted to see something, the extend to this woman's power.

Now was her time to show him wrath, wrath of cheating a woman, specifically her. She was no ordinary woman who will walk away when cheated on.

Glaring she declared "You. Belong. To. Me. I won't let any one else have you!"

With that she pulled his mask a bit to reveal those plum lips of his which she instantly took in hers. A humored chuckle escapes his lips. One thing was for sure this woman had never kissed anyone. When finally he had had enough of her pushing her lips on his, he thought to give her a life lesson. With that he regained his dominance as she was under him again.

Their parted lips leaned closer again, but rather than the pressing he taught her how to kiss properly. His lips sucked her lower lip then the upper one, sending electric sensation all over her body. A moan escaped at this new learned knowledge.

Whispering he said "follow my movements. "

Following his command, being a quick learner she caught up sucking adding a taste of nibbing and bitting of her own. Her teacher, obviously impressed went to the next level. Using his tongue he lick her lips, sending heat down her core.

"Open up" his husky voice ordered.

"Mumm?" In confusion she asks.

Frustrated he grabs her leather cladded ass, squeezing it hard making a grasp escape her lips. This gave his impatient tongue the entry he desperately wanted. What was weird for him was that the kiss  was turning passionate as the seconds passed.

Now that he was inside, he shamelessly fucked her mouth, intangling, sucking, nibbing her poor moaning mess of a tongue.

"Aghfdghuvghjuhh" a peircing scream from the same room distracted him. Parting his lips, a trail of saliva connecting them and their act, followed him. He was annoyed and returned back to his earlier business if it weren't for Jimin calling him.

Cursing he looked at the dazed woman one more time before running towards his hyungs voice. As the support of his body was gone, she slowly slid down touching her swollen lips.

Sprinting in the direction of the room he recognized, he walked past all the guys some of whose eyes were wooden due to the horrible scene infront of them.

"What happened?!" Jungkook growled only to come to an abrupt stop as she saw the horror play.

The dead bitch who came back alive now was sitting on top of her mother. The face of the woman who had given her mouth to him was now carved out. The lips that were once molded around his dick were now dissected and thrown away, the tongue that licked him clean was chopped into millions of peices that her own daughter slowly ate, the throat that swallowed his juices was ripped as if done by an animal.

It was truly horrific scene and he understood why many of the watchers went through traumatic experience. All the while when normal people puked he just let out a hysterical laugh. He never gave a single fuck about either of the women that were infront of him, but he surely praised the skills of the woman whose tongue was intangled with him just a while ago.

The laugh slowly yet surely turned louder and louder. He ordered his men to check the place where he last left Doe, of course to hear that thier was no one there now.

He praised the woman as he peeked outside the window having a staring contest with the dark figure with bunny ears on top. The figure diapered as a car passed infront of her.

~Your pov~

Stumbling I walk towards my home.
I wasn't drunk due to alcohol but due to the liquor called Jeon Jungkook.

Jolly butterflies busted in my heart and my core alike. Today he took my first kiss tomorrow he would take all my firsts. Was I not on top of a cloud.

But one thing I did learn that love comes with sacrifices. The more I sacrifice the more we will become close.

With that I danced around the streets, laughing reminiscing our lovely encounter. There was a heat wave in my body which required relief, a relief only one person can provide. 

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