Chapter 44 Finale

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In drunken rage the man shuts the door of his car, a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a revolver in another he walked towards the old mansion. He had Jungkook locked here and it was time to end the game he had started. He knew that his own reaper was coming but he couldn't go before taking revenge can he now?

Stumbling step by step he walked inside towards the basement, surprisingly all the men he had assigned to look over the boy were gone, but he was too drunk to notice. As he opened the door a strong stench of rotten flesh hit his nose. Shaking his head he tried to adjust his vision to the dim lighting. Countless body part's laid in a homogeneous mixture, each one of them tore apart and missing pieces. However what Yoongi couldn't figure out was where was the one body which was supposed to be complete and alive in this pile of dead mass. 

"Jeon Jungkook..bastard where are?!" he called to get no response. 

Then his tipsy self remembered something, chains, the boy was tied to chains. If he pulls on them like a dog he would follow. Grabbing one end of the chain that was attached to the walls he pulled on them, slowly slowly metal cracked on the floor as he waited for a half dead human to groan, but to his avail there was nothing as the other end with the cuffs came out. 

"What the fuck!!? Did he run away?!" Yoongi roared. "Guard guard! " he called. No response. "Whatever is everyone gone! Damn it!" And with that he kicked on a nearby body. He looked down and instantly his eyes widen as he saw a face, but what disgusted him was the fact that the face was half eaten with its eyes and brain spilled out. Grabbing another part, an arm, he saw the same, bite marks showcase the tearing of flesh of all these men. So all this time when they thought the boy was starving he had been munching off of dead henchmen. But where was he now? Did he kill the rest of his men and run away? Still he saw him yesterday, even if he did run his condition wasn't that well and the whether was no help. Getting out of the shit hole he walked in his study only to find a huge wooden box kept there with the words fragile written all over it. Opening it he found a glass container inside of it whose size was large enough to fit a human in it.

"What the fuck is this?" he pondered looking at the box but his attention was brought to the sound of engine coming from outside. He went to look out the window.

Amidst the rain another car drove towards the mansion, a lone female figure came out of the car wearing a black dress. It were as if the grim reaper herself was here to take someones life. He knew for whom she was here so he went to fetch the lady. His plan of revenge was still unfulfilled but somehow at some point he didn't care. When did that happen? He just guessed that is desire of revenge wasn't that strong. As he walked down the stairs he wondered weather it really was the revenge of his family that he wanted or was it just jealously towards the boy of his new found happiness of love, but soon he wiped such useless thoughts out of his mind, it was all for shattering his pride and honor. To kill a loved one is like killing that person itself, so if he can't have Jeon Jungkook he will satisfy his thirst by having L/Y/N.

"Oh beautiful lady we meet again. How may this imbecile be of service to you." he laid his trap.

But Y/N was no fool, she saw throw his falseness and gave a pitied smile and walked past him towards the study. "Did you enjoy the little present I send your way?"

'She knew the address to this place all along, then did she take Jungkook out and set up this dramatic stage?' he thought 'well big mistake as soon its time he will put a bullet straight through her brain.'

"Um yes...what is it..?"

"Oh dear you will know soon" she chuckled as she opened the door. 

As soon as the doors were closed Yoongi took out the gun he had hidden. "Game over babe, sorry because of your lover your life will end like this."

But to his surprise Y/N was unfazed as she grabbed a glass of wine for herself "Want some?" she casually asked. 

A dark chuckle escaped his lips as he watched her bravery or rather foolishness. "Pretty brave aren't you?"

"Well I don't have much to live for anyway."She just looked outside as the pouring got even more heavy. 

Frowning Yoongi just asked "What do you mean?"

"Oh you don't know? Right after all you just a pawn like us, don't worry I will clarify all your doubt." 

This enraged the boy even more as he shouted "What the fuck do you mean?!" 

"Your dear subordinate, Namjoon his name was has already pushed my dear lover off of the nearby cliff."

"Wha- but I never such order!" 

Coming closer to the boy who was in dismay Y/N patted his shoulder "All this time, those you thought you had a control over had control over you. He was playing with you in order to achieve his own goal."

"Goal...what but.." 

Licking the cold metal weapon in his hand she came even closer as she whispered in his ear "Too bad but it looks like the time for you to die."

He looked at her in shock "What " But before he could say anything else his whole body went numb. "What .." coughing he looked at her smiling not like a reaper but like the devil herself, "Have you done?"

"Oh ...I heard from a little mouse that you have developed a major drinking habit so I told the mouse to add something in tonight's whiskey."

"Who" his throat was going sore. 

"Bong So, you remember her right? Did you know now a days she started working as your maid."

"What put?" He asked as he remembered giving the girl a job at his place in order to know more of what had happened in that incident. 

"Oh don't worry you will die a royal death....specifically " she said as she walked over to the glass container "5 grams of penny-royal death" she laughed as turned on the machine of the container.

"Are you gonna-"

"That's right ...Min Yoongi" she kneel down "you will be such a beautiful porcelain doll. That's why poison as it won't harm your beauty." 

As his breathing became heavier and heavier he laughed "You crazy bitch....Does it matter, your lover is already dead!"

Patting his cheek she smiled as she said "Oh Mr Min didn't you know rabbits can jump as high as moon."

His eyes widen as took his final breath. 

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