Chapter 15 Home Alone

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NOW PLAYING "Fetish" by Selena Gomez

~3rd person pov~

They ran and ran, her fingers laced between his. To him the time had stopped when her skin touched his, he didn't care where they were going, hell he won't even mind at this point that took him to the depths of hell coz in his mind he was in heaven.

Y/N's breath hiked, and a stature of calm took over her when she saw her house. The keys she kept in her pocket   in case of emergency, came handy today. Fishing them she stopped momentarily looking around to see weather the earlier drunkard was following them, not that there was any chance due to his prior state. When her confirmation was ticketed green her fingers did the known action and opened the door.

Pulling the dazed boy inside, she closed and locked the door, taking him to the common area. Only when the adrenaline rush died down did she notice the warmth of hands larger than hers.

Gulping her gaze travelled up, up his muscular arms which seemed to flex from her strong gaze. But that didn't stop her from shamelessly stripping him as next came those broad shoulders, the neck which screamed masculinity, jawline sharp enough to cut through flesh complimented by lips that could devour anyone alive, proven fact.

His dark gaze looked at her with thirst in her eyes as she stripped him, not that he mind actually he enjoyed it. And so did his little guy as his pants tightened to the point of ripping. He wanted to take her now and then but he could never hurt her, anyone but her.

Suddenly a red flush came up her face, she awkwardly let go of his hand to his disappointment. Controlling his demons of lust he looked down and back up again.

~your pov~

Wait I forgot ... He is bleeding!!

Quick where is the first aid kit.

Sprinting towards the cabinet where it was stored I pulled it out.

"Sit" I said in low voice, with a hint of order in it. I pointed towards a chair and shockingly he did follow my order like a lost puppy with the dark gaze of a hunter in sheep's skin.

Sitting infront on a table, I opened the box taking out the ointment and bandage. "Give me your hand" my voice picking up courage. He extended his hand keeping it on my extended palm, that dark gaze not shifting.

Does his eyes have xray vision?

Gulping my attention diverted from his eyes my hands quickly started working on his wound, disinfecting it then putting ointment and the bandage. Throughout the whole process he didn't even flinch rather it was as if he was enjoying the way I moved, his tongue ran along those  devious lips of his. 

"Um.." I stammered... My heart rate accelerating that the fact that he was here. "I'll get you something to drink, tea or coffee" I suddenly let go of his hand.

A glint of disappointment danced in his eyes, but he finally spoke "just water will be fine" his deep voice echoed in the empty.

"Water, ok" getting up I went to the kitchen to fetch him a glass. Those lustful eyes of his, on my back, I could feel them, craving to take me here and now. Taking a deep breath I didn't knew I was holding I fill a glass of water for him.

But damn the way he looked at me, my eyes, my lips, my arms, my legs, my hips .... This was gonna be a long night.


Hey guys sorry I couldn't update for so long, reality consumed my time.

But I want to inform you that from now onwards the chap will be shorter than my usual 1k+ Cox I'm typing on a phone. Even I'm annoyed at that but can't do anything about it.

Hope you enjoy!

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