Chapter 11 Paparazzi

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NOW PLAYING "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga

I know I hike his breathing when I walk, I know I accelerate his heart when I giggle, I know I tighten his pant when I bend over. Aww the adorable reactions he gives when he tries to control his demons from taking me from behind.


Coz I do the same things.

Only one boy is allowed to follow me...My adorable lil bunny Jungkook.

As I had expected he has finally started paying his attention to me, and only me after I removed that stupid bitch from the way. He takes pictures of me from angles that even my parents will be ashamed to take. A face shot, a leg shot, a hand shot, a chest shot, a thigh shot...ahhhh the list goes on. And it excites me so much when I see him biting his lips looking at those pictures, trying to hide that bulge in his pants.

Today was one of those days when he was following me a black hoodie camouflaging him in darkness as he follows me home. Today was supposed to be perfect for me to play a lil game with him.

A smile spreads on my lips as I unlock the door, my parents as usual not home. Heading inside I open one of the windows of my room and head towards the bathroom.

~Third person pov~

The boy, after the incident with that bitch was worried sick for his kit, Y/N. If he had by chance got an obsessive stalker, how ironical, she could aim y/n too. So it was his duty to protect her, no matter what.

This also gave him an opportunity to increase his collection of her photo's. Surely she looked gorgeous in her school uniform, but he wanted to see her in her casual clothing, her sports wear, her underwear......Shaking his perverted thoughts he followed her.

She obviously the innocent angel was totally unaware of his existence, or so he thought. He had been so patient with her, which was a new thing for him, waiting for her, trying not to scare her, trying not to kidnap her then fuck her and then marry her, but she was making it so hard for him. Looking so sexy all the time.

She entered her house as he stared at her room window before deciding to go back as she was inside the safety of her home. Her parents again, went home, such careless people he thought but he knew they were nice to his kit, so he had no reason to hurt them, yet.

As he was about to turn around, he saw his kit come near the window and leaving it open before going inside.

Such carelessness.....that could get her hurt one day, but I wont let anyone touch a single hair on her head.

A dilemma swirled in his head as he contemplated weather or not he should climb inside. He had never in his life set foot in her room, but maybe today was a perfect chance. "I'm just gonna make sure her house is safe from any intruders" he murmured this more to himself before climbing in.

~Jungkook pov~

Her room, although pretty plain in comparison to other room of girls I had seen. But it screamed her, her simplicity, her purity, her virtue. That sweet vanilla scent floated in the room, it was as if this place was wonderland and everything was coated in her sweetness. If I were to stay here long enough will her scent coat me too?

I looked at her neatly arranged bed, and my pants tightened at the thought of her sleeping in it. Running my hand on the soft sheets I noticed a fallen hair near the pillow and a smile bloomed on my lips as I picked it up, carefully putting in a zip lock bag. Gazing at her brunette hair lock, I imagined how would they feel when I grab them while having my way from behind.

A sound of running water distracted my thoughts and carefully I moved to the source of the sound. Adjacent to her room, a door was slightly ajar from when the voice of facet being running could be heard. Gulping I peeked in, biggest mistake as instantly my pants tightened, threatening to tear the fabric off.

Their she stood in all her glory and holes, peeling her clothes layer by layer. With each layer my patience also peeled and then she was left only in her bra and underwear. I would've never imagined black as her color but that only meant she will be sexier in bed.

Slowly she removed the straps on her shoulders, and then her hands reached to the backside unclasping that hindrance of a clothing. With a thud it feel down and I prayed her to turn around. As her hands slip under that waist band of the last remaining clothing piece I gulped, my demons were slipping lose as she loosened her panty.

I had to get out before I pounced on her, scarring her for life.

~Third person pov~

Not even caring about the fact he was on first floor he jumped out of the open window that he originally came in from. As soon his feet hit the ground, he stumbled from the impact and rolled. But he didn't care, he had important issues to care about.

Reaching his car that he had parked nearby he got in and took out a photo of y/n in the school swim suit. Her curves which he had now seen with his own naked eyes hardened him even more.

Not able to take it any longer he unbuckled his pant revealing his erectness. Thinking of his hand as his lil kits mouth he rubbed himself till the released.

Back in her house, a giggling y/n removed her panties. The idea to provoke Jungkook had worked but she never knew looking at his aroused self will arouse her too.

She dipped her naked body in the water, touching herself as if her Kookie were to touche her. Her fingers pumped in and out of her wet heated womanhood as she released herself at the same time as her partner in his car.

~Authors note~

Kit means a baby bunny. Jungkook calls y/n kit as in his baby girl.

Here kit is different than doe, as doe is the masked woman whose real identity he is unaware of.

Kit and doe could also be taken as y/n diff personality when she doesn't have her mask on to when she does.

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