Chapter 9 Cake is made of love and something more

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NOW PLAYING "Milk and cookies" By Melanie Martinez

I was getting pissed, with that stupid wailing all the time as I extracted her blood. Another week had passed by and my Kookie was still in pain because of her. His attention was on her, as he started disappearing after recess. He paid less attention to me and hell I am not pleased by it.

Was I not important to him anymore?

Was that bitch more important?

Gritting my teeth I throw the wine glass in my hand.

Calm down Y/N.....

With a deep breath I submerge my body in the red water, red from the blood of my enemy. After all it has been a secret historical beauty regimen to youthful skin. (A/N: In history the blood countess used to do this however it really doesn't help with your skin so dont try at home)

My heart beat calms itself, I guess being emotionless has some perks, like controlling your emotions very well. My eyes were closed as I reeling the memories from the past weeks, searching for clues and the real reason behind the dismay of my love.

According to her, their was nothing between Jungkook and her and she just used to cling to him. And the only reason he payed any heed to her was due a deal he was gonna have with.....Her Father!

Found him!! A smirk of victory plastered on my face as I get out of the tub, red droplets dripping along my pathway. Wrapping a towel around my naked body I walk down, not even bothering to dress up as no one was home except for me and my lil pet bitch in the basement.

Walking down, I unlock the door revealing a damp room filled with horrendous stench of vomit, blood, piss and other bodily fluids. I make a mental note to clean it after our guest departs.

My eyes scan the poorly lit area as the only source of light in this room was a bulb, which barely worked. In a corner I spot a mummy like pale creature and my smile returns as I great her. Her condition had gone from shit to um...shittier? She looked unrecognisable in only one week. I squint my eyes, pondering when did that happen. As well as I know that people can survive without food for three weeks..Oh now I remember as I look at the needle attached to her limbs extracting blood out of her body.

Bending down, I grab her bony face making her unfocused eyes to look at me, or so I hope she. Agh, she's no fun anymore, she's completly broken and under my control.

"Hey..Who is your father?" I demanded.

No reply ...

I sigh...pushing her making her fall on the ground. Then I go up, sanitizing my hand before I do a quick search and find who he was. "Hmm..a loan shark eh? but what kind of deal was it that my Kookie was forced to follow his commands. I don't like my baby to be anybodies lapdog but me.

Well then, I guess I have no choice. With that I return to my little pet downstairs with a tool box in hand. Closing the door I smirk and say, "Now honey hope this surgery goes well cox I just watched one YouTube video."

I stretch my limbs early in the morning, it was going to be an exciting day. With that I got ready and headed downstairs towards the kitchen. Humming a tone as I added ingredients along with my especial ingredient. A smile plastered imagining the reaction of the lucky people who get to have it.

Soon my parent's come down smelling the sweetness spread across the house.

"Dear you are baking? "my dad inquires.

"Yes pa" I reply in my chirpy tone, looking at the beauty inside the oven.

" it for the lucky guy whom you've been giving roses?" my mom says teasing me.

A red flush creeps up my cheek as I look down.

"Ohh" my mom teases me more.

"Boy?" my dad asks, "My little daughter has already laid eyes on a guy. "he says with a pout. To which all of us start laughing.

They leave as I decorate the cake, it was Saturday and so my school was off. I look in satisfaction at the heart shaped cake with the words, LOVE iced on top of it.

"Perfect" I say to myself, "Now time to deliver it"

~Third person pov~

A bell dings in the mourning household as all the attention goes towards the gate. Jungkook was least bothered by any of it as he continued looking at pictures of Y/N, it was a off day and so he wont be able to see her for two days, TWO WHOLE DAYS! Surely he could go to her house, but he dint want to come off as a creepy stalker.

It was the loan sharks house, as someone went to get the door. He returned with a pink box in his hand, as his boss asked who was it he said that a weird delivery person. Opening the box they found a heart shaped cake inside.

"What the..."the boss asked, then he thought that his daughter used to get this kind of gifts all the time, remembering his daughter his eyes became teary again and they decided to divide the cake and eat it amongst themselves.

When they started eating the cake and praising how delicious it was Jungkook, who had refused to eat it, looked at the bottom of the box to find a letter. Opening the letter he read...

Dear Buck,

My dearie I've been really sad as you have been diverting your attention from me. Don't you love me anymore or is that bitch and her deal more important to you. Well lucky for you I've decided to give in to your wishes, hence my special gift.

But I would advise you to not eat it as it's ingredients consist of flour, sugar, eggs, coco powder, butter and kidney grind. Whose? that bitches.

Will forever be your

And you will be forever mine

Your Doe

He read the last words aloud making everyone choke and cough in disgust, many ran to puke. Taehyung grabbed the guy who brought in the box what the deliver guy looked like.

"Well he was weird..."

"Weird how?" Jungkook growled.

"He..He.."he looked at them scared, "She wore a baby pink hoddie with bunny ears on it..."

Jungkook took over Tae and grabbed the guy by this throat, squeezing it "Did you see her face?"

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Jungkook took over Tae and grabbed the guy by this throat, squeezing it "Did you see her face?"

Coughing he stammered..."N....No..She wore mask"

A dark chuckle vibrates deep from Jungkook's throat which slowly turns into a hysterical laughter. His subordiantes looked at him confused.

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