Chapter 41 Love you bad

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NOW PLAYING "Fake Love" by BTS


          an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.

"Kill me?" Jungkook mocked the pale man infront of him. The drug from before was still running in Yoongi's system making him wobbly. The room stink like blood and vomit, all the men that he had sent in were in a crappy condition. Indeed Jeon Jungkook could take on an army if he wanted. 

But obviously he wasn't in his best of condition, it had been two days without food or water, especially without his love, Y/N. 

"Why hasn't she come?" Jungkook pondered as he looked at his own bloodied self, 'has she too abandoned me? No my Y/N could never...'

"She has abandoned you." a voice echoed from across the room, a tall figure who had just a couple of inches taller than him yet seemed so mature. Jungkook recognized him as the man from the library. Something about his aura was off, as if he wasn't human but the sinister aura was nothing compared to Jungkook's. There was something about his words though that clicked his mind, 'ABANDONED', as if the man knew which strings to pull to make the boy weak. 

"You are lying, my doe could never do that to me!" he growled.

"So he has some will power left." Namjoon murmurer to himself, "then time to use this.." with that he threw some pictures in direction of the boy.

Jungkook looked at the pictures and anger rose in his veins, they were pictures of that night when Y/N infiltrated Yoongi's room. The pictures weren't fabricated which along with Jungkook's state was enough to put doubt in his mind. A doubt is like a poisonous snake once its fangs pierce the flesh it enters the system, no matter how much the boy wanted to disagree in a part of his mind the poison had infiltrated and was slowly taking over his whole body.

And he was right the trauma from childhood snapped as images played like a film in his head of Y/N betraying him. His eyes went blank. Blank and dull enough to make him seem like a shut down doll.

Walking inside the observation room Namjoon had a smile of triumph on his lips, as he looked at Yoongi thinking something and said "See my plan worked didn't it?" 

"You knew!" Yoongi roared at the taller man. Indeed that night Y/N came to his room but he never had the knowledge of existence of the photographed proof, it was as if Namjoon knew before hand of the plans that brewed in brain of L/Y/N that he himself had made counter plans for that. Counter plans that Yoongi had no clue of and as the boss he didn't like that. 

"It was for your own good, after all if you knew would you have participated in the plan?" Namjoon plainly stated. Ignoring the distrust in Yoongi's he believed his actions as just and logical. 

More days pass as the lifeless Jungkook had now become so weak physically and mentally that even the low level goons could come and use him as a punching bag. Surely just a little movement from him was enough to scare the crap out of them, but those movements were getting rare and rarer. 

~Jungkook's pov~

Days were getting slow and slower, was it always this boring? Oh now I remember, it had always been like this as slowly time passed I would find different ways to make my soulless life a bit But that never came until I met her, first sight on her beautifully perfect features that attracted me, her smile that enchanted me, her soul that gave me a meaning. She was my life, emotions to my body. 

But now that she's gone..........Is their any meaning to live?

Agh my limbs are all busted up my brain is all mushed up. This smell, this stench, this killing me from inside. 

"No more" I grown. 

Click Clack 

Sound of heels hitting the floor capture my attention, that is new from the boots of those men. The sound stops right next to me as I slowly I look up my eyes widen. Was this a dream? Or was I delusional? For my love was standing infront of me, her long luscious raven hair fluttered in wind as sun rays fell on her porcelain skin making her look like a fallen angel. 

"Finally...I knew you would come." a smile I didn't know my muscles were capable of spread on my lips. 

Slowly she extended her hands towards me, calling me towards her. I was like a lost puppy and she my owner so like an obedient dog I dragged my fucked up self, following her wherever she might take me. 

Hell or heaven, she was my angel, my god, my owner and I was her doll, her puppet, her slave. For forever to come. 

The damp shit hole had suddenly turned into a nirvana as I followed her into light. 

"Are you an angel or sacrifice?" I mumbled through my broken lips. 

Step by step I tried to cover the distance between us, but it just disagreed to lessen. A surge of energy rushed through my body as I pushed my body even harder. Finally outside the shit hole she stopped on the edge of a cliff. Hugging her I finally feel myself in bliss.

"You are finally in my arms, my Y/N. I love you so much." 

"You love me?" She questioned.

"Yes." A bit confused.

"Will you do anything for me?"

"Of course...but why.." I was cut off by her as she said.

"Then die for me.." 

All my confusion was flushed out of my brain as she pushed me off the cliff and I understood it was all fake love.


Sorry for the late update my lovelies I got caught up in the festivities.

Thx for your patience <3 

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