Chapter 29 Money rolls and rules

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NOW PLAYING "Gotta Love It" by Ruelle

~3rd person pov~

As first rays hit the horizon, the boy shifts a bit. Slowly his lids open as he feels a weight breathing calmly on his chest. In his life he's bedded many women but never had they over stayed their prime fuck purpose. But the one here right now was no prime one night fuck, she was his love which he bloomed and made him last night.

Her long lashes, plump lips and light breathing was so soothing to him that he didn't want to move even an inch. "So beautiful" he thought " L/Y/N you mine ..... I hope this beauty of yours towards me lasts forever.... If not...I might need my needle and thread..."

The admire party would've gone forever if not for a soft knock on the door. An annoyance spread on his features as he cursed the intruder, now was especially not a good time to disturb him and his love. If it weren't Taehyung who after a while entered the room he would've put a bullet through their skull already.

The boy wore worry on his face as he said in a low voice "Jungkook we got problem."

Jungkook knew something was up for his hyung to talk like that. Carefully picking up the petite head that rested on his chest, he slid out of the comforter. Not even caring about his naked self he placed a loving kiss on Y/N forehead. Picking up a pair of sweatpants he slipped them on and walked out with his elder.

"Hyung what happened?" He asked his earlier romantic mood changed to a stern one.

"Someone played us"


"They broke in.. One of our hidden docks ... They took everything"

"How much did we lose?"

"About.." Taehyung takes a deep breath, he knew his boss won't like what's coming " 50 million"

"Fuck.." the boy whose features shifted to that of anger. "Do we know who did it?"

"Um... Kinda.."

"What do mean?"

"I know who was the mole... But I don't know who is behind him"


With a sigh Taehyung tells him there name. A sister smile spreads on the boys lips. He opens the main meeting room, all of his men gathered there straighten up bowing their heads in respect to the leader. "Boys get ready.... We are going to party tonight"

A roar of cheer goes through the room. With that he walks out pulling his phone he opened a app that was connected to all CCTV's in the mansion. In one screen, in a dark basement laid a girl. He clicked on a special feature that only he had the access to, the access to the footage if his room. His princess had woken up and now was changing into a sweat suit similar to his. Looking at her freshly bathed self he felt a hardness in his pants.

"Not now" he muttered as he headed towards the kitchen. Everyday he took it upon himself that he would cook his princess breakfast.

Walking in the kitchen mouth watering smell of pancakes filled her system. "it looks delicious!"

His bunny smile came back looking at her glistening glow brought life in his mundane live. "So babygirl, tonight we will have some fun." A bright flush covered her features as she looked at him. "not that kind... Of course that will come.. But I'll show a fun place tonight. "

Nightfall came as Y/N rocked a gorgeous dress while Jungkook wore a suit. As hand in hand they walked in the limo, tons of men loaded black SUV's with guns. Tonight indeed a party was going to be celebrated.

The cars pulled infront of a huge gate with a neon sign which said "Rollies casino" under which a quote said "let the money roll"

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The cars pulled infront of a huge gate with a neon sign which said "Rollies casino" under which a quote said "let the money roll". They wore their respective mask and y/N knew that it was one of the shady places she was setting her foot in.

Money, lust and greed filled the interior. The whole place was filled with two emotions either excitement of winning or groans of losing.

Jungkook pulled his mate closer by her waist as he whispered in her ear "Kitten don't leave my side". Whispering back she replied "I'm doe here.. Don't worry about me".

With that they went and sat at the roulette's table. Intrigued Y/N watched the little ball move like a kitten watching it's toy. Jungkook was amused at cute behavior.

"Do you wanna play?" He asked

"Can I? But I don't how"

"Don't worry.... You see those slots, each one has a number. If you bet on that number on which the ball lands you win. Easy right? Give it a try."

"Um sure..." A bit unsure she looked at the numbers and said "seven...I choose seven!"

"Ok seven it is....I would bet all one the number seven." Although he was here for a mission, to drill out the mole and the game was just a disguise but for his love a few thousand dollars were nothing.

Her eyes widen as she watched the dealer pull different colored plastic coins away. Everyone around her were dumbstruck some praising him and some calling him dumb. It wasn't until the dealer announced "Ok 80000$ on seven by bunny" that the craziness of what Jungkook hit her.

"What..." She looked at the boy who carefully watched the ball roll.  But rather than worry his eyes carried excitement. There ball came to an stop, but her eyes never left his. At that moment of craziness, the greed of money wasn't their but the libido was the wager that they had played, ah it excited them. Even before the crowd went crazy with the results she knew, if she had won this man any silly game was no big deal.

The ball that had somehow stopped at the number seven even surprised the dealer who all along was controlling it through a mechanical system. Little did he know including all the people on the table except one that the system had long changed his ruler. A smirk spread on the boys lips as he twirled his ring unknown to everyone that it was actually a hacking machine that could control any system of nearby radius.

His eyes watched his princess jumping and kissing him with happiness. Hindsight all this he finally spotted the little bastard he had been hunting for. Indeed the goddess of luck was on his side tonight.

"Baby .. Stay with Jimin hyung... I'll be back in a bit" he said before kissing her and disappearing in the darkness.

As they waited for Jungkook to return Y/N went to the washroom. Finally stopping in an empty hallway she said "you can come out now".

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