Chapter 24 Doe or Kitten

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Now Playing "In a Mess" by Bebe Rexha

Climbing inside the car, in a stern cold voice commands the driver to start the car, startling me a bit. Is Jungkook angry? Why is he angry? He hasn't even looked at me once... Is he angry on me? Negative thoughts rampage through my head, as a single tear dares to slip down. Even I didn't realize as my body started shivering and I looked down my lap. It wasn't fear of him... It was fear of getting rejected by him that pumped through my neurons.

As if sensing my distress, Jungkook's expression calmed a bit. "What happened" he asked, worry laced in his words. Instantly he pulled me in his warm embrace, patting my back to calm me down. "Hush ... It's gonna be all ok." It went for I don't know how long but it felt good. That meant he wasn't angry at me... Of course silly me, my Jungkook could never be angry at me.

Moving my head that was resting on his toned chest, I looked at him through the mask. "Ah... Jungkook-ssi.."

Not moving an inch away, he hummed "Hmm, what is it kitten?"

"That... Well ..." I stammered unable to word my feeling properly.

Sighing he moved back, his hands findings mine and intangling his fingers between mine. "Listen Y/N.. I'll be honest with you. I promised I'll send you home after this... But to tell you the truth I don't think I can anymore. "

"Wha.." I was shocked. Excitement ran through my veins. Does that mean I'll stay with him? Oh hell yes! In the same space as Jungkook....I would see him all the time, what he does, what he likes, hates, I will know everything about him. This also a perfect chance to get closer to him and remove any obstacles that comes between us. Oh y/n calm down, don't let your hype show.

"It is for you .... The people who attacked you might come after you again. But don't worry I'll protect you!" He states, sinsierity in his tone.

Wait... Something is wrong, the people who attacked me? There are none left. Something is fishy here. But oh well he said he will protect me... And that tone...aggghh does that not get me excited.

Taking out a bottle he offered it to me. "Here, you must be tired kitten. "

Taking the bottle I open the sealed thing. He helped me with the mask, moving it only a bit so as to expose my mouth. Smelling the water I knew that the water contained sedatives but none the less I took a big gulp swallowing it. Soon black dots formed in my vision and the last thing I saw was Jungkook holding his arms out as if to catch me.

He promised here will protect me.

~Third person pov~

"Did she not suspect anything?" Jimin who was with Tae and Bong Si in the other car asked through the phone.

"No.." Jungkook said in a low tone. His hands gently caressed his beautiful princess' face as she slept peacefully on his lap. She looked absolutely beautiful as the natural light reflected her perfect features.

"So do you think our suspicion was wrong?" Tae inquired.

A smirk played on Jungkook lips, the innocent kitten that looked so fragile infront of him, could be the dangerous doe. How ironical. "No.." he simply replied, pushing a loose strand behind her ear.

"Well then what do we do?" They both were curious now. Even they knew how much their boss loved this woman, and if she were to turn into a dangerous entity for their group what will their boss do.

"We wait". He replied simply, again, all his attention on the beauty on his lap.

"Kookie you know that if she turns out .... You know" a bit unsure Jimin stated.

"Don't worry hyung. Because whatever happens ..I will always forgive my Y/N. I will always protect her, even if that means protecting her from herself. I will do anything for her, even if that means that she ends up hating me. "

With that the call is ended and they enter a grand mansion. Getting out Jungkook carefully picks his princess bridal style. "This is your home from now onwards kitten" he states entering the threshold of the mansion with his men closely following behind.


I hope you are enjoying the story so far my lovelies. Soon the dark side of Jeon Jungkook will be revealed to y'all. Be prepared!

 Be prepared!

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