Chapter 10 Sunday

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NOW PLAYING " Take me to Church'' by Hozier

~Third person POV~

The boy had enough with that loan sharks stupidity, the only reason he was going along with him was because of the deal consisting of some really good quality drugs, but now he'd had enough.

"So are we just gonna give up on those drugs?" Jimin asked as they drove back home.

"Of coarse not" Taehyung interrupted.

A sinister smirk formed on Jung kook's lips, a smirk his subordinates knew very well. If he can't have it nice way he will take it to highway. Highway of death.

When they reached back to his mansion he went to his room, carefully putting the letter in a silver box studded with gems along with all the other letter's his Doe had send him. Somewhere in his heart he knew who Doe was but couldn't pin point. That night he slept with the dreams of Y/N in a sexy bunny costume.


Church bells rang welcoming it's visitors, who had all gathered early in morning to attend the weekly Sunday mass. Chirpy voices of people talking could be heard from all around as men discussed politics and how the country was moving to it's ruins whereas the ladies, more carefree and jolly, discussed happenings of their past week bragging how better they were than the other. Children on the other hand, totally unaffected by their fake counter part played running all around the place. Amongst all these families, Kim family was also there but something was different as people chattered and whispered looking at the daughter, dressed in all black, black enough for a funeral than a mass.

She carried a huge black leather suit case, her eyes filled with sorrow, not real sorrow but the one to show case to people around her. Her mother and father alike were asked as the usually chirpy Y/N was rather gloomy. To which they just replied that how she was sad as she was unable to save a injured sparrow that landed in their garden a couple of days ago and hence was gonna give the poor thing a proper burial today. Ladies and gents awed at her angelic and pure behaviour, if only they knew it was a made up story and the actual contents of the case were ...rather disturbing than a dead bird. People complimented her and said how she was an angel send by god, if only they knew it was the devil himself mocking the god in his own house.

But not all families were joyous that day, for there was another family preparing for the funeral of their beloved daughter, right behind the churches cemetery ground. A Lamborghini parked itself, and came out a man in all black who caught attention of all instantly. People being people started murmuring as to the arrival of the devil himself who looked like a reaper in his all black attire.

Without paying a heed to the gossip of the day, he headed inside, his aim for the day, obviously not to pray but to make a funeral, not literally

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Without paying a heed to the gossip of the day, he headed inside, his aim for the day, obviously not to pray but to make a funeral, not literally. After yesterday's stunt by his Doe, he had convinced the family that their daughter was dead because the kidney wasn't removed by a professional and result of such dangerous surgery would result in death.

He meet his subordinates inside as people parted like the sea as if making way for Moses, but he was not gonna save humanity rather destroy it. On the way to the funeral which was being held in the open backyard of church his sight caught on a beauty he had not expected to see till Monday.

"Why is she here? Oh of course you idiot, just because you don't attend this weekly place doesn't mean other don't either" a smirk of pride spread on his lips as he imagined how much of a good mother she will prove to be to his offspring's, unlike his own whore of a mother.

Excusing himself, he started following her making sure to be hidden at all times. That bitches funeral could wait but Y/N can't. He frowned his eyebrows when he saw her carry a huge suitcase to the back room where the confession room was located. He watched her go inside but rather than following her he went straight ahead to the room from where the priest were supposed to enter. Peeking inside he saw the room was empty, saving him some hassle of 'convincing' a priest to let him 'borrow' a robe. Garbing a robe he puts it on and heads inside the booth.

There she sat, although he couldn't see her face properly he knew she was utterly gorgeous, oh how much his pant's tightened imaging her under him begging for more as he took her through this grid.

A sob escaped her soft lips and all his thoughts changed into panic. Wait..who dared make my princess cry? he pondered as his hands went towards his pistol planning to kill whoever that a**hole was.

"Father forgive me..for I have sinned?" she started speaking with her sobs not stopping.

Oh I will always forgive you baby girl.

Calming himself down he replied, "Go on tell me what you have done."

"I...I..I couldn't save her." she stated.

Save her?..

"What do you mean child?" he asked in confusion.

She broke down, her sobbing turning into a full on crying, "The sparow...."

A sigh of relief left his lips. Aww my angel... "It's alright child." he tried to calm her down.

"Father?" she asked in a meek tone.

"Yes dear?"

"Will all my sins be forgiven if I ask the lord for forgiveness?"

He didn't care about the lord, cox he would forgive all her sins. "Yes child."

As she walked out of the confession room, a hysterical laugh that she was no longer able to control. "How funny you human's are. Do something and just ask for forgiveness." With that he picked up the suit case and walked towards it's delivery destination.

A call had stopped Jungkook from further following Y/N, and he headed towards where everyone was assembled. The coffin was supposed to be empty as her body was never found. The necessary rituals were being done, however when the coffin was picked up, it felt unusually heavy.

Jungkook was about to leave when he heard a loud shriek. Pushing the scared herd, he saw what horrified them. the coffin was open and amidst the white roses laid the person whose funeral was being conducted. Her face looked mummified and her hands were folded above her chest with a pink letter peeking underneath them. Most of them thought she was a ghost and ran away, but those things couldn't scare Jungkook. Slowly he approached her, and he would've claimed to be dead and buried her if he dint saw her cheats heave up and down.

"She's alive" he murmured as he quickly hid the pink letter in his coat.


Hello guys hope you are enjoying the story so far.

I want to explain somethings to you.

First why I haven't given a name to the bully girl that Y/N kidnapped~~~~ I'm bad at naming and in the story her role is nothing more than a "bitch".

Second, Why hasn't Jungkook shown any psychopathic abilities? ~~~~ Mostly because he doesn't want to scare Y/N. He want to be seen as an angel in her eyes, like how Y/N portrays herself like an angel infront of him. Don't worry he'll show his crazy soon. You only know the crazy of Y/N because it's your pov and I want you to know her real self before the main part of the story.

Third~~~ Both Y/N and Kookie are different types of psychopaths.

Forth~~~ If you are still confused about their character I could write a character profile, but I feel like you would understand as the story progresses.

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