Chapter 6 Day 2

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NOW PLAYING "Boabastic love" by Britney Spears

Happily pouncing I approached the front gate of the school, the dark circles that I had to conceal where the mark of how much the boy named "Jeon Jungkook" had smitten me. I had never felt this feeling of love before but I'm sure the foreign feeling I was having was love. It were as if it was spring again, though I'm sure it's autumn now, melodious music sprung in the environment, though I was sure it were traffic noises, as birds chirped in harmony, tho I'm sure they were crows, but whatever be the reality I felt in bliss. 

That was until I noticed familiar faces near the entrance , there he stood my love in his full glory along with the mochi man and mochi man's handsome bf but what irked me was the existence of a peculiar female amongst the mix. The clingy woman wore a slutty form of the same school uniform that I wore. Her flashed fake tits wrapped around my man as if winter insulation. A sharp pang pierced my left cavity right where my now beating abnormally heart was. 

Anger? Wrath? ...Jealousy? Yes this feeling was that of jealousy. Oh my oh my it had been only two days and he was able to awaken this new feeling in me, eh...Oh my I love him so much. But I didn't like this jealousy feeling, not one bit. 

With one final look, when our dark gazes meet his turned into one filled with guilt as he tried to free his arm watching me walk inside. I was angry but never on him, I was angry at that stupid bitch who thought she could creep her saggy at my boy!

The whole day, Jungkook never attended a single period. A roaring thunder could be heard from outside as if evident of my current inner self. Storm was coming very soon. 

By the recess I had given hope of seeing him for the day, which pinged my poor heart again. According to my 'friends' it was no new occurrence as Jungkook rarely attended classes especially a whole day of school, hence they were surprised when he stayed for the whole day. And I know exactly why he did so. 

But another annoying occurrence happened that day, when a herd of female hoes attacked me out of no where when I went to washroom. Amongst the hoes, was the queen herself her petite features from earlier had completely changed 180 degree, portraying her real bitchiness. 

"You" she barked "what have you done to my Jungkookie" 

Ahhh I rolled my eyes, with annoyance. I was in no mood to deal with her considering how my day has been going shitty, I mean surely I don't want to carve her pretty face out, not yet at lest. 

"What do you been" I innocently ask as if I was oblivion to everything. 

"Don't play with me!" she gritted her teeth at my disinterested tone. 

"Oh honey trust me, you dont want me to play with you." I challenged her from which she was taken aback as if she had't expected me to talk back. 

"This morning-...when he saw you , yes YOU! he got angry with me and..and WHAT HAVE YOU DONE BITCH" she shirked hysterically. 

Females and their high vocal cords, I swear I'm gonna ripe that out the first thing. 

Rubbing my ear in annoyance, I replied "Well and who might you be to Jungkook that you have the right to ask me that" my disinterest her still evident. 

"His Girlfriend!" she hissed. 





That word kept repeating in my head as I controlled my urges to just crack her skull open in the nearby sink. 

Sassing my demeanour I went dangerously close to her, danger for her not me, and said "Well surely he didn't think the same when he freed his uncomfortable between your bagginess." the last bit came out as a spit on her face. 

Her face turned red with anger as her hand rose, but before she could the gate broke open revealing a guy with broad shoulders. He saw the situation as I quickly changed my expression to a meek girl getting bullied. 

"Ya! What is happening here?!!" 

Quickly the girls scrambled out, as the head bitch murmured some curse words glaring a warning at me 'this is not over', to which I just shrugged my shoulders. Sure it's not over not until your body is found mangled in the sewage.

After they were gone broad shoulders came close to me as I read his name tag similar to that of stone face prez, "Kim Seok Jin. Treasurer" came close to me and asked, "Are you fine?" worry evident in his tone. 

I just nodded flashing him my million dollar smile and walked out to attend my classes, without Jungkook next to me. 

It was time to send the boy a message whom he belongs to....



Someone is about to get killed ~~~

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