Chapter 2 First meeting

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Now Playing "Crazy In love" (fifty shades ver) By Beyonce

Third time in one year was I saying bye to my classmates, who sobbed and hugged me as if we were soulmates. Oh goodness of irony, when the same people who used to talk shit behind your back start acting as if they cared, cared even more than they cared about themselves. Well I'm no one to complain as I hug and smile as if I'm gonna miss them. As if!

When the drama was finally over, I relaxed my aching mouth muscles from all that smiling and crying. My parents were business owners, who owned many factories across the county all which required their personal assistance at times, hence causing this hoping from place to place. Every time it's the last time, or so they say but in actual I don't mind shifting all the time. It helps me to hide my real natural from people, the part of me that just wants to slit their fake mouths wide open.

This times new place was Seoul, I had lived here but not for long. But my intuitions tell me that this time would be different. This time something will make it different.

The school resumed for me as I joined a new one, today was supposed to be the first day for me. Now normally you would think it's nerve wreaking for people. Transferring in the middle of the year, will I becomes friends with people? Will I be able to cope up with the studies? Will I ever find a boyfriend? etc etc, are the first world problems of the new student. But at this point of my life I was a pro at dealing with people who will be in my life for a fraction of time.

Sliding the door open, I stride in the room as the teacher introduces me. The room becomes silent with the boys chattering and excited to have a female, that too hot, student, their words not mine and girls green with envy and gossips as to why would anyone transfer in the middle of the year. Slowly I skim through the teenagers as my eyes catch hold of a particular individual sitting in the corner. His eyes were fixed on me like others but unlike others he had something in his eyes, something that I couldn't pin point in just one second.

Breaking my eye contact I bowed down and a 'smile' bloomed on my face, a smile I knew would enchant everybody. Which in fact it did as boys and girls started cheering and welcoming me with open hearts except one person whose gaze was still burning holes, not in my head but in my panties. A weird feeling erupted in my lower abdominal area as I caught myself mesmerised in his gaze, something which was new for me.

"Alright alright" the teacher tries her best to hush the class down, "Ms Kim please go have a seat next to Mr Jeon. " she points at the same guy.

Trying not to bite my lips, I walk towards him as his intense stare followed my movements. Pulling the chair I sit down and face him, "Hi I'm Y/n" flashing my million dollar smile. As soon as he turns around and speaks, I knew the reason of the sudden attraction to this peculiar human being.

Law of attraction. Bullshit. Cox likes do attract likes.

"Hi," his somewhat deep soothing voice coo's my restless soul, "I'm Jeon Jungkook."

I knew it then 'we are meant to be'

As I lick my lips a slight smirk playing on my lips, bombs blasting in my core.

I craved him.

I ached him.

I made him.


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