Chapter 38 Human or Monster

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NOW PLAYING "Monster" by Starset

Loneliness decades a soul, solitude curropt it it. Everyone loves me but did anyone love me? This feeling of emptiness has struck a hole in my heart for where once lied a beating heart is only an solid lead. You might ponder what made me who I am, I wasn't like this, me too had emotions. Emotions that I felt, that I conveyed.  I felt joy bloom through my veins when someone accepted my emotions and returned them. If only I had realized it was all fake. In reality no one cared how I felt, for them the topic of concern was how I felt about them. Good or bad, it has to be good, if bad why so, it had to be good. The emotions the portrayed to me were only a plastic image that would sooth my heart, fake, for when I was gone they could open their box of ugliness. That's what I learned, in reality we are all ugly, ugliness that we hide behind our masks of lie. And as the time passes this masks become thicker and thicker, harder and harder.

Soon enough my emotions faded away to the point that even I didn't remember weather to being with I had them or no. They say everyone is born with them so even I might have them. Yet as hollowness took over my body I too created a facade of lie.  Under the pretty lies an ugly truth. The idle teen, perfect, but no one is perfect. Before you say someone is perfect, think again, are they truly perfect?

The funny fact of all this is that people like me who are just an inch away from the so called perfection which the society created us as, we would do anything to find that piece which would cover that inch.

Once it's found, we, I would do anything to preserve it even if it means sacrificing the rest of me. Even if it makes me a monster. Because for me their was no difference between a monster and human to begin with. 

"For salvation all our souls struggle" a clap erupted from the darkness. Amidst the ailse of books a tall figure I knew very well emerged. His attire of black stuite made a mature aura around him, completely different from the one he wore in the daylight. I knew he was not whom he pretended to be, but we weren't alike for he was more sinister than me for he had suffered more than me. So much that now he had made it his goal in life to share his wisdom of lies and make everyone suffer to the hight.

"It is quite late Miss L/Y/N. Do pray tell what are you doing here...alone?"


Well chuck the human part... He was no human no more atlest. For my companion were long gone. They were long gone, as soon as we entered this door. What I had thought would lead us straight to Min Yoongi lead us to the library.

"Interesting how this door leads here. Well now that I am here might study for the upcoming test eh?" As I reach out for a book in one of the shelf's this hand interrupts mine.

"We can play the game of pretend Y/N. But I can see beneath that mask of yours"

A laugh escapes my lips. "Beneath my mask?" Titling my head a bit I stare right at the man infront of me.

"Yes ... And I can make all your wishes come true"

I knew he was spinning a web, web of lies.

"My wishes shall be granted by me and me only" with that I walked past him.

"To be a human or monster" he murmed.

"Angel or sacrifice" I murmed back as I walked towards the gate of my destiny.


Y/N past shall always remain a mystery.

You are free to interpret it the way you want.

What had happened in this sweet girl's life that had drained her out of all emotions.

As an author I showed you the gate and gave you a key now it depends on your own imagination to interpret the mysteries of the room.

Just remember to ask yourself this question are you a human or a monster?
What makes us a human or a monster?


Also today I will be publishing my Jimin special one shot at 12am kst.

As a birthday present from me to my love ♥️

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