Author's Note [Please Read]

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This will be my first ever Harry Potter fan fiction and before you even start reading, I would want to say some things first.

Firstly, I don't own all of the characters in this story because of course, they belong to J.K. Rowling. I only own my original characters and scenes. Also, please do not expect this to be as perfect as the works of Rowling or other authors here in Wattpad. I admit that I am far from being perfect and I'm just writing on my own accord.

Secondly, I already apologize for every typographical and grammatical errors that you will be encountering in this story, I know there's a lot but I am too lazy to edit. Sorry!

Third, I will be changing some scenes and details from the original works to fit my storyline better.

Fourth, I started working on this story way back 2017 or 2018. Although I edited and revised some of the earlier chapters, I admit that they still ended up lacking. But hold on to this fanfic please, because I think I got better by their third year. (I hope)

Fifth, I really wanted to start this story from my character's first year to show you how she changed overtime. So, even though there were no major changes during their first and second year, I still wanted to show you her ups and downs, her inner conflicts, and how she went from a careless child to an adult.

Lastly, I really hope you guys would enjoy reading this. I may not be the most talented author out there but I will try to do my best. I am also open for criticism, just message me or leave a comment.

That's all guys! Enjoy and please support this story, love you all. ❤❤

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