Chapter 4

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While Nelly was smelling the beautiful  purple violets, she knew she was at the right place. She felt so calm, like ages ago she was part of this house, like this garden was always a part of her life. A sour cherry tree? It reminded her to her childhood. Marica, Sheyma and Fanka were her best childhood friends. Often they were playing until late at night. And yes, they were humping around the backyards of their neighbors... and stealing cherries, apricots and prunes. Catch me if you can, was their favorite message when they were 10 years old. Suddenly, Nelly was a little girl again. Her green eyes were so sad. She just couldn't hear the fights anymore between her parents. Her mother was tired from her father's no reason-arguments. So,  the lunch was burnt! She did not make the lunch at time! Those stupid small mistakes were really mistakes or just a reason my father to speak loud about his own frustrations in life? 

-I made us a fresh tangerine juice with cinnamon. It goes well with a cup of coffee, said the old lady and these words were enough to take Nelly again in reality.

-Thank you very much.

-So, how can I help you? When did you start gathering around you the dark shadows? Why so many rainy days in your life? Life can be so merry and healthy if you put a light and hope in it!, said Ramayana while drinking the juice from a straw.

-My last name is Demiran. I don't think that this is my real last name. My parents gave me it, although I feel that my life started somewhere else. Am I right Ramayana? Was I born in this city? The city of tangerines? The city of fresh air, deep blue see, warm summers and light winters?

The old lady did not say a word. She took a cigarette instead.

-This June is not so hot. There are stormy days to come. Do not be afraid my child. The sun always comes after the rain!

- My father used to say that. I really loved him. He was my hero. My mother was a very timid person, she just wanted to crochet clothes, to make fruit jellies, to sing Turkish and Bosnian songs and to clean the house. My father knew that he can make so many things, but he did not have a courage to cope with the world.

-I know my dear, although I haven't seen them for ages. 

-Was I adopted?- it came out of my mouth so quickly

-No, dear. You are a Demiran. But, there is another story that have brought you here. The story of my cousin Anil and your mother Bella. Maybe someday I will tell it to you. Now, isn't the right time. You have to go with the flow. You have to open the doors of your heart. Your eyes should see what your heart is writing in it. Life can be so beautiful my dear. Do not waste it with questions that should not have to be answered. Now, it is time for my nap. Come tomorrow again, dear. Maybe my nephew will be here. You should meet him. He is a good person.

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