Chapter 35

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My nightmare has to end. I am carrying so much anger, sorrow, pain in my soul that it takes all over my mind. Damn past! I got to finish with this!

Nelly was terrified. What if Jonas decides to stay in Switzerland? Will she sees him ever again?

A week has past since he went to see his on. He only called twice. The first call was from the airport.He got in Lausanne safe. The second was from the hospital. Dano was the same.Doctors said that there are many patients that woke up from coma. All of his vital organs was OK. So, there was a hope. But, he sounded so far, far from her. Far from anything. Maybe she didn't understand because she did not had a child on her own. She wanted so badly to be a mother. She was hoping that Jonas will be the father of her children. No, this seemed very far from the possibility. Or? They were intimate so many times and they did not use a protection all the time. She smiled when she thought of their last making love. It was in the water, in the jakuzi.

I cannot just sit and wait. I must do something. I was never a quitter. She must go to Ramayana. The story of Anil and Bella has to finish.


The big black dog was on the other side of the door. what kind of a dog was that? A very scary one!

-Mrs.Ramayana, are you home? Your dog is scaring me!

-Coming dear! Oh, you again! I knew you would come again!

-I had to come. You should have told me the whole story the first time i was here.

-It wasn't a time. You were not ready. Sit dear, you need a tea. Spicy one. Black tea, milk, cardamom, cloves,cinnamon and ginger. It'll be done in a minute.

-Wow, an Indian tea. Back to our roots. Interesting beginning of the meeting with the old lady.

-Tea is ready. Drink dear. You had a long trip. Give me your palm. Our tribe is very well known by predicting the future by palm reading.

-And what about mine tribe?

-That is your tribe. We have the same last name remember?

-Are we relatives?

-No. We were one tribe. Before I was born we were functioning as one tribe with one BARO (head of the tribe-a leader). When he got ill, his son Carlito did not want to inherit this hard duty, so he planned to go and study. So he did. The new BARO was now the brother of old Baro's wife. He was very young and he made many mistakes. He wasn't fair in his judges, so the members of our Kris (Court) have brought back again the old Baro's son. He was with our tribe as a part-time member because he was more in the big city, he wanted to become a lawyer. His uncle Rovindo fall in love with a widow, older than him with a child. That child was your father, Ricco. He was raised by Rovindo as a great leader although in his heart he was admiring the other Baro, Carlito because he become a lawyer. Jonas's father Amaran was the first born child, Anil was the second. I am Anil and Amaran's cousin.My mother was Carlito's sister.

- I see. We don't have the same blood because my father was like adopted from your uncle. Where is my mother in the story?

-The rain is coming. It can  last for days. Still i see a chance the clouds to go somewhere else.

-Ramayana please. You have to tell me. I am so in love with your nephew Jonas. I have to understand everything. I don't want to lose him!

-Knowing your past can only be one of many doors that can open many things. You can choose one door, but only you can choose are your entering the room and do you like that or not that room. Your past can show you a way, but you are the one that will choose what way to go.

...your health line tells me that you like chocolates and sugar my dear, try stevia instead.

Nelly laughed with tears. Oh, such a spirit!

-How did my parents end up in Balkan's?

-Your mother was the most beautiful girl in our tribe. Every single young man was after her. Our enemy tribe's new leader Emilio was also after her. He was a renegade, a young man full of energy, eager to show his power to the world. He was enjoying in fights. Everybody new that Anil and Bella love each other. Anil was planning to go to University, to study film making. So he went to Barcelona. In the mean time Emilio was after Bella so there were rumors that he will kidnap her and make her his wife. Ricco was Anil's best friend, they were raised together, they were brothers. The Kris of our tribe had to act quickly. It was not supposed to take or give a girl from your tribe to another tribe. They announced an open competition for Bella's hand. A horse ride and shooting an apple on man's head. They were so many contestants. Anil was in hospital, he had measles and his life was in danger. Your father had to save the situation. He entered the competition thinking that if he wins he could later give Bella chance to go with Anil.He and Emilio were most successful in horse race. Apple shooting decided the winner. Your father did it. He saved Bella. But, just for a while. Emilio was like a wounded bull. He stubbed to death Bella's grand father. Something  had to be done.

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