Chapter 33

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-Is this our Nelly? Hey,girl you look different! I bet you had a very cheesy episode with Mr. Scandinavian God of charm!-Lela was so excited to hear the detaisl

-So nice to see you girls. I needed a girl to girl talk. Mr.Arrogant is like the weather. Mostly sunny, but one storm is enough to chill you out from the good mood

-Oh, sorry to hear that. You have to tell us later all...and I mean all the details!

-I have 2 weeks more of this  shit. There are moments when I want to start the car, although you know I don't know to drive, and go far away!

-To the moon and back! -Jonas just came.

-How was your trip girls?

-So delightful for Lela!-Soraya was about to tell the details but Lela was faster than her

-Let me have the pleasure to tell what happened. You see Soraya always is sitting by the window and I by the corridor so someone had to sit in the middle. Luckily for was the most handsome figure that I have seen so far! And a cute nerd too.

-How do you know he's a nerd? -asked Nelly lifting her eyebrows.

-He choked me with his business talks. A publishing house manager? WTF? Work, work, work. But still he was very cute. When he stopped talk about work.

-Was he wearing glasses with blue frames and he had a birthmark  near his left eyebrow?

-Yes! -Lela was surprised

-Turn around Lela. He's here!


- Not you again? The two ladies that can literally kill a man with their "can't stop talking" sessions.

The girls were about to speak but they couldn't found a single word at the moment.

-Ladies, let me introduce you to Michael Barth, a good friend of mine. These are Romanella Demiran, Lela Lorrain and Soraya Hermes. They are my new friends i have told you so much about.  I have prepared everything for tonight. Get rest and let's meet up in the garden. It's playing night.

-Well, Jonas, we have many news for  Nelly and you. There are some dates for the campaign of our products that need to be respect. We have made the schedule according to your time and obligations. We came here to inform you and make a list of new shootings for USA market. They are so picky, so we engaged a famous photographer from New York.  He can come to Spanish riviera to make the shots or we can go back to Paris. it is up to you to decide. Or you can even choose some other destination.

-My dear Soraya. Aren't you tired of the trip? Nelly, please take over. I will go with Michael to have men talking. See you at 19 h?!

-Yes, Jonas. You are the boss! Come on girls...dress up...I mean undress...time for a pool party!

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