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-Too bad you didn't found the old lady. Now you are too confused. And the Scandinavian God is actually a nephew of the mysterious Mr.Anil, ha?- Lela was confused too.

-Oh, girls, you know my story. I love and hate at the same time the mysteries. I love to read a good mystery book, but sure don't want my life to become one of those mysteries!

-And now, what will you do? Running a company is not strange to you. You have already your beauty product company and you are a great success. A house in Riviera Blanco is a huge opportunity. I think you should take a chance. 5 weeks are not a long period. You can find the box, I am sure. And two together can either sell the house or you can split it in two even parts and live there!- Soraya was exciting too.

-I don't know, girls. I have to think very well. it is a tough decision. So many strange coincidences in a small period. Something is happening and at the beginning i thought is something not so stressful but as the time was passing, I did see that I have a long road to go until I solve the mysteries about my past and my future.

-Oh, don't be a philosopher girl. There is a hell of handsome man in front of you. Maybe destiny is telling you something. You deserve to be happy and please take a chance.

-Girls, I will accept only if you come with me. I need help!

-No way. This is your mission. You must finish it yourself. We will stay here for couple of days more and then we will return to France. We will run your company until you solve your mystery. And solve it ones for all. You must turn a new page in your life-clean and fresh.

-You are right Lela! But, what if Mr.Arrogant doesn't think like me? If he says no? Oh, should i care about it? I did not even know this Anil. I wanted to go back to my people's roots. Here I am and nothing is close to the things I assumed will happen. I must take a chance and learn more about it. Let's find out how a Scandinavian boy has become a Romani boy!

-That's the spirit, girl!-said Lela. But, before you go on with all this inheritance thing, we have more important thing to do. I hope you did not forget  the reason why did you ask us to come here. Our Beauty Competition with " Nelly's Magic Beauty". We have to organize everything and we will start with it immediately. I already have put everything on paper and you and Lela will do now girls!-Soraya was so into the beauty event.

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