Chapter 29

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-I am so hungry. I hate the sound of the rain, so I heard a music all night. I even slept with my earphones. What's for breakfast?

-Fruit salad or green smoothie?

-You got to be kidding me? So, that's why you have those muscles? I will pass. I want a normal breakfast. A traditional Romani breakfast and I plan to make it by myself.

-Wow. Can you make one for me too?

-A very wise decision. We have an important mission today, so you will need a few more calorie.

-What did you plan to make?

- Pishiye and caramel tea.

-I never heard of that. What is it?

-How come?

-I am half Spanish Roma, one quarter French, other quarter Norwegian. You are a Balkan Romani. Your food has an influence from the Ottomas and Slavic culture.

-You're right. Pishiye is similar to Indian bread. It is made from flour, water, yeast, a bit of sugar and salt. After the dough is raised you're making small balls and each of the is rolled with a rolling pin. The rolled balls should be in circle shape and large as your frying pan. You are frying pishiye from both sides until lightly brown. And for a caramel tea, for one cup you need 2 spoons sugar.You are caramelizing it and add a cup of water. When the caramelized sugar have melted and the tea is starting to boil, you take off the tea from the stove and add you can add a spoon of lemon juice. And voila. Pishiye are always eaten with fruit jams  made from apricots, strawberries, rosehip, prunes,sour cherries or quince.

-Chef Nelly, I am so hungry.Please hurry and thank for the lesson. Can I help you with the caramel?

-Oh, take the rolling pin, there is a spare one in the drawer and start rolling!

-Ah, a rolling pin. Why do I always get the toughest job?

-maybe because you are a dork!

It was so amusing to make yourself a breakfast. Nelly was so proud of her pishiye. Same like her mother's.

-and now that our stomachs are full, we have to search the house first. If we don't find it there, we will have to look outside, in the backyard, maybe in the winery too.

-We'll find it.


-I am so tired. We have looked everywhere. Is it noon already?

Nelly has heard the old wall clock in the living room. All of a sudden, it hit her. It is close to them. A wall, clock... It must be inside the clock. She opened the clock and she was very happy when she saw the wristwatch. Let's see what it will tell them.

-Jonas, I don't wanna open it alone. Where did you go?

Nelly was sitting in the living room for half an hour.The watch was on the small club table. No sound from Jonas.

-Miss Dolores. Have you seen today Mr.Jonas?

-He was in the backyard a while ago.


Nelly went to the backyard. There were so many old objects there. Jonas was sitting on the grass.A mini bike was near him. His eyes was all red.Was he crying?

-Oh, Jonas, I found the wristwatch.

Silence. Not a word from him.He didn't even look at her. His look was at one point, like he was not in the presence, like his mind was somewhere else. she sat next to him and hold his hand. My God of happiness, what is going on with you? Who made you the scars that are still present in your life?

-He would like this bike!

-Who Jonas?

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