Chapter 32

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Time was passing by and Nelly was not in the mood to find out more secrets. She was thinking that she got to figure it out what after the 5 weeks? She was so in love with Jonas. On the other hand, he was so close and so far to her. Like there was a high mountain between them. The burden of the past can become a burden of the future. She should be very careful. But, first she has to graduate. Lela and Soraya helped her enroll the last year again on the University in Sofia. She had to pay a fee for re-entering the Program and she could get her Diploma as associated student. Next month she can take the two last exams and then she can start to work on her graduate thesis. She is prepared to go back to the city where everything happened. Nope, no fear. No memories. You are so dead to me! I will write in Sofia new moments that will be my favorite memory in life!

Jonas was not in the mood. He was trying to write the end of the novel. No success. His thoughts were mixed up. Nelly is the best thing that happened to him in the past year. And Dano? Why Corinne? You and Dano were the most precious gift from God. I loved you so unconditionally. I had no money. True. I was a writer looking for his 5 minutes. I had a bad short-term job, but i was trying so much to sell my novels. Why didn't you believe in me? Maybe the difference between cultures is making a gap between people? Or maybe I was too coward to fight for my family? How? I did not have much tools in my hands. Damn money! Now I have money and I do not have a family. Dano is in Switzerland. Far from me. I wish I could see him more often!

-A penny for your thoughts! Nelly came into Jonas's room.

He was surprised. he stood in front of the desk trying to hide his laptop. With his hand  behind he managed to close the laptop.

-What are you hiding from me?

-Oh, nothing. Just some working ideas for my next meeting. Come on, let's go. The sun is out and I have an interesting idea for today.


-A picnic! You are the Prince of charm! I love it!

-I thought that we could use the magnificent nature today. So many fruit trees around us, flowers and sun! of,course, the most delicious sandwiches i made myself. A baguette filled with Camembert, cucumbers, fresh tomatoes from the garden, black olives and  tuna for me.

-Hm, for you? What about me?

-I was thinking on boiled eggs or ham, but nothing! I had no idea! Jonas was making  a fun of Nelly's reaction. - Be patient! He took a round wooden board and put it on the tablecloth . He took prosciutto slices and put  them on the board.Then he cut small pieces of a melon and put it beside them. - And last but not least, Danish blue cheese!

- Oh, you mean French Roquefort!

-Whatever! And here is a Scandinavian bread. Fresh baked. I gave the recipe 3 days ago to Dolores. It took days to make a starter for the dough.

-Wow, that is my favorite food! How did you know!

-I have my sources! Lela and Soraya you silly. They know you so well.

-Oh, those girls. They are the sisters i never had. I love them so much!

-Well, you can show them your love later cos they will be here tonight.

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