Hello Again

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           My name is Angel Gomez and this is the story of how I was the kid everyone pushed around to everyone being afraid of me. This all stared in seventh and eight grade. I was pushed around and made of those two years. Freshman year came around and the bulling got worse. Not only will people push me around and call me names they also beat me and pulled pranks on me. My mom was an alcoholic and was rarely home so she wasn't much of help. One day the beating got so bad I placed my stuff and moved. In those two years I was away I met people who changed me and turned me into the most feared gang member. Our boss had a very important job for us and we had to back to my old school and old hometown. Things are going to get nasty but interesting


       Right now we're in a private jet in out way to Cincinnati Ohio. While we were in the plane we were going through people we had to keep an eye on. Some were students and others were teachers. Our biggest rival gang is in this area for the moment. In the gang we all get along everyone is my age apart from Dominic and Heather they are both twenty. The rest of us we were eighteen and their are five more including me, Heather and Dominic were eight. Six of us would be at school and Heather and Dominic will stay at home and maybe get jobs around town to see if they can get any information.

"Were here" Juliana squealed.

"So this is were you grew up" Jackson said.

"Yeah" I said looking down at my city.

"We'll be landing in ten minutes" Dominic said.

"What about our cars, motorcycles and guns?" I asked.

"Their already their" Heather said.

"When do we start school?" Reed asked.

"Tomorrow" Heather said.

"Where's Grayson?" I asked.

"He went to back" Mia said.

"I'll go check on him" I said.

"He'll sure like that" Reed said.

"Shut up" I said

I unbuckled my seat belt and I got up. I held on to the other seats so I won't fall. I opened the door and Grayson had on his headphones and had his eyes closed. I smiled and I pulled out my phone and took a picture of him. I put my phone away and I sat on his lap and he woke up. He looked at me and smiled and he took off his headphones.

"You scared me" he said his voice sounding sexy.

"I didn't mean to" I said.

"So what's up?" He asked.

"We're about to land" I said.

"How are you feeling about going back?" He asked.

"Ready to kick ass" I said smirking.

"Let's go with the rest" he said.

"Ok" I said.

       I got off from him and the rest told us to buckle up because we were about to land.  We finally landed and a two trucks were waiting for us. Four of us went on one and the other four on the other one. About thirty minutes later the chauffeur opens a gate and we come into view with a house. Scratch that a fucking mansion was in front of us. We all got off and we just stood their and admired the house. I see a very particular red color on the side of the house and I ran to it. I saw all of our cars and my baby's.

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