Chapter 3

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At pass 12 am last night, I had to drag drunk Lauren and Camilla to the car, basically, I was giving them a piggy back ride to the car and to make it worse, I got a souvenir of puke from them. Yuck!

Cathy is a just lil bit tipsy so she had managed to get in the car on her own. I knew this would happen, I didn't plan giving all our V card because we were drunk we couldn't go home. I didn't plan to have a car accident with the three either, so at least I am sober to get us home safely.

I drove to Lauren's house and I informed Myla, Lauren's mom that I will be dumping the drunks at their house. As soon as I arrived, I saw her standing, waiting at their gate and opened it for the car to go in.

Myla helped me with Lauren and Camilla. Cathy has made her way inside already half closed eyes while I gave Camilla another piggy back ride to the living room while Myla assist her daughter.

"Thank you Xyden~"-Myla gave me a pat as she look at the three who are already asleep.

"At least one is mature enough to be sober and get these three here"-She sigh shaking her heads at the unconscious bodies dumped in the sofa and into the floor.

"No worries Myla, I made sure I don't drink. Couldn't risk anything. Unfortunately, I got something unpleasant all over me"-I shrugged as my face shows disgust about the puke all over my shirt and neck. Ewww

She chuckled and shakes her head again.

"You better go upstairs and clean yourself. You stink dear. I'll ask the maids to help me with them. You know where you going right?"-She said pushing me gently.

I have been here many times already, we were all here many times already, basically, we have been all with each other's house already so we kinda have our rooms in each other's house. It was a guest room but since we've been here occasionally, it became our room everytime we have sleepover here.

I gave Myla a kiss on her cheek and went upstairs. I have no one to be worried since Dad will probably at work again. My step mom wouldn't care so it's fine.

I made my way to the bathroom of the room and let my body soak into the hot water of the shower. I like having warm shower at night and a cold shower in the morning. It just wake the soul of mine every morning and way to start the day.

30 minutes later, I've change into pj's and went to sleep. Looking at my phone, it's past 1 am already.

Ugh, why did they have to go to a bar at weekdays Note please, I'm not a morning person at all and Having to wake up at 7:00 in the morning just suck. 8:00 start of the classes.

30 mins mopping around my bed, 10 minutes in the bathroom, 10 minutes clothing myself, 10 minutes doing my hair and stuff and 10 minutes drive to school. Time management it is *smirk*


"You all look like Zombie"-I commented as we all eat our breakfast in the dining room. Mr. Jauregui or Alfredo has his ipad on the table, peeping on it one at a time making sure he has his attention to the breakfast.

"Good words Xyden, I've been dying to say that since  I saw them"-Alfredo agreed and Myla slapped his arm. They look adorable, tho they're on their late 40's already.

"Shut it dad. My head feels like it's going to explode soon"-Lauren drink the soup in her bowl and followed by Camilla and Cathy.

They look like minions honestly.

"Who said you could get drunk at weekdays Honey"-Alfredo replied and this time, Myla nods her head.

"Sorry Alfredo, Lauren has dragged us into the bar"-said Camilla who is now eating veggies and who claims to be a vegetarian.

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