chapter 12

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After 3 days of me away from the busy street of the city I can finally breath. I strolled around the province where I grew up, where I used to live, where my mom and I lived. I stayed at our house there, in this province there is no such thing as the biggest and smallest house. All houses here are almost in the same size, the only difference is the interior designs, also the houses here are not big unlike what we have in the city. Our house here has the feelings of home for real, it has always been cleaned by a caretaker and that was Aunt Cecilia. She was the cleaner, gardener, cook and everything when me and my mom were still living here.

Now she's also the caretaker that's why it's clean here as soon as I arrived, though she wasn't expecting me to be here especially that it's school days and it's been 4 years since I last came here.

Aunt Cecilia together with her family is living in a neighbourhood just, 5 meters away, the next house to ours. She also has a daughter  which is a year younger than me and a guy 5 years older than me who is currently on his last year in college already according to Aunt Cecilia.

   As soon as they've known my presence in this province which, Ana, her daughter saw me standing at door of our house, she hurriedly went to her mother to tell so we had our lunch together with her husband and Peter, her son.

They threw me a lot of questions, nothing I couldn't handle. If there are people who know about my life and things I went through, those people are them. Aunt Cecilia and Thomas her husband watch me grow up, with her children playing with me.

"So how are you doing in the city? I bet you had made a lot of friends!"-Ana seems to be excited and a lil bit clingy since I arrived here. She also talks too much, how her school is just simple, not big but it's fun and how she hopes that I will stay here for good.

But I can't do that, I've have many things in the city that I couldn't leave. My mom is not here so I don't have a reason to stay here anymore, unless she suddenly shows up out of nowhere, by then, I will live with her here.

I spent my three days at the province, and for the first time in a while, I could finally breathe in. It's very green here, there are few buildings, it possessed the word province. Trees, lakes, streams, rice fields, people who wears out date clothes, carrying baskets full of fruits and vegetables and smiling as they pass and greet others on their way. I was in complete different place.

It's monday. It's 10 in the evening and I will spend 10 hours on the road so it will be 8 am when I get in the city.

I drove to a road that is covered by trees, it's dark but I know the road I'm tracking is covered by trees, it may sounds like I was in a horror movie and that a ghost will appear out of nowhere but I am not scare-



I stepped on the break when something jump in the road.

Fvcking chipmunk!

"Shoo!"-I closed the window and continue driving

Once in a while I stop my car to get a nap so I won't fall asleep while driving and everyone knows it is dangerous that way.

By the time I got in school. Yes school, I went straight to school because going into the house is not the very best choice I have after having a tree-day vacation. But to be honest I am sleepy so I will sleep sleep first and go to class when I wake up.

One thing why I head straight here is I miss her. Yes I was kinda mad about what I saw and happened, I was hurt about what she said but something is still pulling me to her. There's this energy that keeps pushing me to her. She's like my gravity.

"Hey Mrs. Miller"-I gritted her at the counter of the library. She's all smiling to all the students coming in, returning books, going out, and borrowing.

"Good morning Davis. Nice to see you again"-She beamed a smile which I returned before shrugging and walking pass her to the place where I slept before.

Doing the same thing, I placed my bag at the long chair and used it as my pillow before drifting to sleep.

I refused to dream about her anymore, I couldn't stand waking up sweating and panting anymore. It's the same nightmare since she left me. I'm afraid I'll go crazy because of this.

I don't want to get checked, I'm not sick, I'm not crazy. I can bear with this, I did, and I still can.

It's coming back and it's getting worse each day. I just don't want to tell them or else they will force me to get treated. No, I don't want to be held by a doctor .Never.

I wake up again, I find myself sweating and panting and I swear this happened again.

"You're sweating again Davis...... and panting. What's wrong? You can tell me"-Mrs. Miller sat down beside me as she patted my back.

I shook my head refusing to tell her.

"I can barely see you but it worries me to see you like this Davis.."-She's concerned? Well why not. My uncle is the president of the school anyway.

But she is a good person, I doubt she 's concerned because I am the niece of the president.

I gave her a reassuring smile "I was just tired. I came from a long ride. I must go, I don't want to ditch another class"-I stood up and swing my bag to my back.

"You're too good at sleeping that you don't know what time you're waking up. The bell just rung, classes for today are over"- I glanced at my watch and she's right, it's 4:35 already and end of classes.

" I have a detention to attend tho. Good bye Mrs. Miller"-I qaved her a goodbye and ran out of the library tracking her room.

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