Chapter 29

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"Why can't you just reject that d!ck Ina? There's no way I'm allowing you to be with him at the party. Hell no."

Xyden has been a pain in the ass these past few days, bothering me and all. The anniversary is 2 days from now and we're all busy preparing.

Dad actually called to inform me he's going. Funny how he informed others first before his own daughter.

Xyden sit her ass on my table not allowing me to continue my work.

"Can you please move your ass Xyden? I'm trying to work."

I glared at her pushing her off but she grab onto the both side of table so she won't budge.

"Reject him! Tell him you already have a date!"

"I told you I can't Xyden. I don't go back to my words. He asked me first now get lost!"

"Why did you even accept him to be your date anyway? You know I'm here."

"You were not"

"Still, I'm here now, ain't I?"

"You didn't ask"

"Didn't you think I'll ask?"


"What the hell?"

"Stop bothering me, I'm busy Xyden. Aren't you going to the site? They probably need you there. I don't need that hotel collapsing later on because you were negligent about your work."

I use my professional tone so  she will drop her problem and just do her job properly.

She pouted and stood up.

She opens her mouth to maybe say another argument again when the door opened revealing Zackery with a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

I look at Xyden and she was already glaring at him.

"Oh...sorry, I didn't know you're with...ahm, someone right now."

He was cautious and a bit shy and Xyden being rude said, "Couldn't you knock? We could be doing something here, like kissing."

"Xyden!" I warned glaring at her but she couldn't see it as she never take her glare away from Zackary.

"I never see Kath as someone who would swing the other way." Unconsciously, Zackary rub the back of his neck.

"Kath huh" She look at me with a sarcastic look.

"She doesn't need your flower and she's not going to a date with you so you can go now."

"Xyden!" I called again but she never listen to me.

Zackary gave me a questioning look asking if what she said was real.

I shook my head, "I don't go back to my words Zackary, don't worry."

He heave a deep breath and looks relieved about what I have said and for I know, Xyden is killing me now with her look.

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