Chapter 24

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It has been five days already since I left the island and she is sticking to her words that she won't call me. What a stubborn woman. I tried calling her a lot of times but non of them were answered . I also sent her some messages asking how she's doing but non of them got a reply. The only thing I have now is the general manager who reports to me about Ina's whereabouts and what she's doing. So far, she's been working with the management team since it's peak season.

Mrs. Samuel, the GM, also told me that the hotel is running better than before. I bet it was because of her. She was always passionate with teaching and I'm sure she also does with all her other works.

It has been five days and I'm missing her like crazy. I haven't even slept more than an hour since I got here. I've been dealing with Mr. Choi and Nick pulling some investments here and there. It will only take days before they know I'm behind all of those crisis in their company.

As a sleep deprived person, I was about to doze off on my swivel chair when Love came in without knocking again, to which she earns a glare from me.

"Mr. Choi's outside demanding to talk to you." I knew it, I just didn't know he's stupid enough that it took him five days to troubleshoot their problems.

I ask Love to let him in and seconds after, Mr. Choi barged in fuming.

"I know you're behind all of these." He actually had the audacity to throw a folder on my desk.

I just look at the folder but didn't bother opening it. I know what's inside, it was all my doing anyway.

"I don't what you're talking about Mr. Choi, why do you look so mad?" Although I knew he can tell my lies, I still pretended not to know it anyway, just to tease him.

I saw him gritting his teeth, he has a messy hair and he did not even try putting a neck tie on. His polo is 3 buttons down showing his hairy chest, eww.

"First, you pulled your investments. Second, almost all of my investors pulled theirs and these papers proved that they all transferred their investments to your company! It was all your doing!" He has gone mad. This old man is far from being professional.

"Do you have an idea what could possibly the reason?" I walk in front of my desk and sat on it like what he was saying wasn't a big deal.

He didn't say anything but he keeps on gritting his teeth. I stood up with my hands on my back walking closer to him giving us 2 feet distance.

"Next time you come here yelling at me because of some problems I inflicted to your company, be sure you have more ace than just useless folder of evidences. Because I'm telling you Mr. Choi, I have lots of them too. All I did was to talk to my business partners about investing in my company, there's nothing wrong with that right? It's not my fault my company is worth risking for than just anyone's"

"You'll pay for all of this. You think I don't have back up? Mr. Strella is such a smart man, you can't touch him" He smirk and I hate it. It's disgusting.

"Oh tell that Dick Strella I said hi. Be careful who you are teaming up with, they might stab your back. I hope you're enjoying MY project, after all, I only spent a day thinking about it." He was about to storm of when I stopped him.

Not so fast old man.

"Wait up Mr. Choi!" He stopped on his tracks and look back.

I smiled.

"I hope your wife loves my gift. Since it's you, I made sure you look good at those pictures with a younger bed, together. Too bad I'm rich, you could have been my sugar daddy. Bad luck, right?" I shook my head as if I'm pitying myself.

I didn't know what happened next but I'm on the ground with my head at the side. I felt my jaw together my cheeks hurting before I saw Love asking for security.

God, this old man knows how to punch.

"You'll pay for it just wait!"

I look up and he was already being dragged out of my office.

"You're bleeding Ms, would you like to go to the hospital?" She approach to help me but I just raised my hand saying I'm fine.

Love is such a good secretary, she knows when exactly to show up.

"Good job. Did you get those things I ask you to get?" I Stood up wiping the blood off my lips with the handkerchief.

I sat back on my swivel chair exercising my jaw, it damn hurt.

I saw her nodded and put a brown envelop on my table.

I open the envelop after telling her to go.

Katelyn Stevens

Sex: Female

Age: 43 yrs. old

Status: Married

Spouse: Kevin Stevens

Children: Night Stevens; Laura Stevens

Address: 100 Bleecker St, New York, NU 10013, USA

I felt like someone just squeezed my heart. It damn hurts like hell.

I repeated reading the informations together with pictures. It's really her, and she's just here in New York, she's so near but I could not even see her. After 13 years looking for her, she's just here in New York, same city, but I wasn't able to see her.

There's too much questions in my mind but these informations in my hand can't answer them.

Why is her name different? I can understand that she remarried, but why does she have to change her name? I could have find her earlier. With that, I wouldn't be this broken.

Maybe her husband made her change her name, maybe her work needs her to change her name. Maybe she didn't know I was in the same city. Maybe my dad was hiding me from her so we wouldn't meet.

Even if there's only 1% of those maybes to be true, I will still believe.

She didn't abandon me right? She loves me very much. My mom loves me very much.

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