Chapter 26

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After turning her back at me, she has been walking back to the hotel like a soldier emphasizing every step, making sure I see she was annoyed at me. Ha! Do I look like I care? She doesn't have the right to make choices for me.

She went inside the elevator and press our floor number quite fast, and as soon as she see me approaching the lift, she presses faster as if it could make the door close faster too. Too late, before it can even close, I already stepped in watching her roll her eyes.

We stood there silently, our arms crossed over our chest and looking up watching the number at the top of the doors.

As if we are showing each other how high our pride can be. Of course, I will never lose to her. My pride will be infinity and beyond. I have lots of that. It's unlimited.

The lift open and she almost trip running towards the door of our suite. Such a kid. She opened the door and didn't even wait til I get in before she slammed it hard on my face. Sighing, I opened it and close it more gentle than she did.

I walk in the living room and she was sitting on the sofa, her feet are crossed on top of the mini table. The TV was on and there shows Netflix, she is choosing some series or movies.

"Don't sleep beside me again, I'm telling you. Sleep here, there on the sofa where your ass is on right now." I said pointing her and the sofa while taking my shoes off putting them at the shoe rack.

She look up and grin. "It's my suite too, I can sleep there at the room, in the bed, period." With that she look away from me to the TV.

"Dream on, this is my suite and I just let you stay, don't abuse my kindness towards you or else you can go look for another room. I'm sure there's already a vacant one."

"Like hell I'm making you stay here in peace. I'm going to stick with you and annoy you every single day. You can't get rid of me that easily Ina."

"I don't need to get rid of you, you'll walk away on your own without me doing anything...just like you did 3 years ago, remember?" I raise my left eyebrow and continue my way to the only one bedroom.

I am already at the back of the sofa walking towards my room when I felt a tug on my wrist.

She is still sitting on the sofa but her body is quite turned to her back as she grabs my wrist.

"You didn't do anything? You pushed me away, how is that 'did not do anything?' " I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

"I did not push you away, you were acting like a kid just like you were, putting your nose in the business of others. You always leave when you can't handle things like what an adult should do, I mean I understand that part cause you were a kid. You never understand my situation, I like you and I was trying my best to handle what we had at that moment. It was not easy for me, I love my job Xyden, that's my passion, it's the only thing in the world that makes me happy. You may not understand that because you were young and you teens were able to find happiness in everything you do, but news flash Xyden, you're not a teenager anymore, I hope you start realizing all those and how important those are for me."

I look into her eyes and her head is down.

"I was trying to prove myself to my parents Xyden, I didn't like the life they wanted for me, I don't like this life being in front of papers, signing them, having business meetings and feeling close to business men and women. Teaching is the only work I want. And it happens that my parents think otherwise. You don't know the feeling of being forced to do something you do not like. You don't understand that at all, you didn't understand those reason why I was so afraid to deal my feelings with you. Just because I like you doesn't mean I should be with you. Plus you were 17, do you know I would have been imprisoned if we continued that? No, you didn't understand that you made things more hard by mocking things. You were cute doing some childish things before, but you should know the limit. Not every childish things are cute."

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