Chapter 11

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Calling Detective........



"Detective Zack on the line, Hello Ms. Davis"

"How is it going? Any progress?"-I ask on the line with hopeful tone.

"I'm sorry to inform you that it still the way it is since I began. But I'll make sure to call you if I find somehing"- hearing him fails again made me clench my teeth.

"Fvcking do everything and be sure when I call you next time  you have something good to report do you get that?!"- fvcking 3 years already and he is still useless as fvck!

I ended the call and went into my next class. I know I wouldn't be able to think calmly so I hope people will just stay away from me and be on their own businesses this day.



I entered my last class which is English and I saw Lauren and Camilla on the door already. I didn't see them earlier this day because I ditched all of my classes earlier. I wasn't in the mood. I don't want to ditch this class because I know, I won't be affected by what happened yesterday. She's nothing, just a teacher I was attracted because of her looks .

She bid me a good morning but I walk pass her and went straight to my seat at the corner at the back. Camilla smiled but I ignored her, Lauren tried to joke but I told her to fvck off. They knew when to not start or bother me. They should know because last time they tried to talk and joke around me while i wasn't in the mood was I punched Lauren on the face and Camilla was so mad at me. Lauren tried to punch me back but I dodge, she didn't have the chance to get her revenge, Cathy was just watching us.

I'm a short tempered person, they should know, no one mess with me until I say so. No one should fvck with me. Everyone should know that.

She greeted them good afternoon and they all stood up greeting her back while I was covered by them so I didn't stand up to greet her. Because I am lazy. She started discussing while I found her words just floating in the air, they are too soft that I just want to sleep.

I didn't notice that I was already leaning at the wall and started to doze off until she called me.

"Ms. Davis?"

I opened my eyes widely preventing them to close as the class giggle.

"Do you want to get out to sleep or will you wake yourself up and listen?"-She was stern so the class went silent.

"I would like to get my sleep of course"-I stood up and swing my bag to my back walking to the front and to the door.

"Don't forget the detention after this"- i didn't miss the disappointment in her eyes. I couldn't look at her, I walk out of the room and went to the library to sleep.

Sleep, just what I needed

I stormed in the library and making few look at me, i went to seat where it is empty and a lil bit far from noise. I've settled myself, place my bag to the long chair and use it as my pillow.

"Xy, c'mon get in the car or else we won't be able to get in!" - her voice makes me feel secured always.

"Yay! I'm ready, let's go!"

"Two tickets"

"Wow! It is beautiful here! Just like on the TV! And there's a lot of people too! They're kids!

"You're a kid too Xy. They are kids like you"

"No! I'm not a kid anymore! I bath myself and dress myself!"

"You still are Xy"-She smiled

"I cook too! And soon I will be like you!"

"Okay okay you're not a kid anymore! And Xy will be like me when she grows up!"-She carried me into her arms as we wander around the Disney land.

"Xy stay here okay? Don't leave. I will just buy us drinks"

"Xyden Davis!"

I open my eyes and find myself panting.

"Are you okay?"-I look up to the person who called me.

"Y-yeah I'm fine"

"You are sweating, you sure your okay?"- I nod.

"What is it that you need?"-I pulled my phone from my pocket and it was already over an hour since i fell asleep.

"The bell has rung already an hour ago and we're closing"- she's right, there's no more students here already and the school feels more quiet than before.

"Well then Ms. Miller, I should go now. Thank you for waking me up"-I smiled and kiss her on the cheek .

I swung my bag to my back and walk out of the library. I just missed my detention again. I wonder if she had waited for me. It's been an hour, she must be gone now.

But I'll go anyway, nothing's wrong if I will check right? Nothing's wrong.

I started walking down the hallway. All the classroom were closed already and locked, few more doors. There's one classroom that has an open door, I checked the label above the door and it's hers. Is she still there or she forgot to lock the door.

I walk for more steps until I reach the doorway. Then I saw her sitting there on her desk, her eyes on her phone, staring at it as if she's waiting for a message.

"I'm sorry,I'm late"-I announce my arrival and as soon as she met my eyes, she glared at me.

"Very late you must say Davis. It's been an hour and all of the students went home already for your information"- she said furious while still glaring at me.

"Why did you wait then? You must go home already. Sorry for being late, I have enjoyed my sleep"-i said showing no emotions but boring.

"Is that the right things to say especially that you were late for detention?!"

"What do you want to hear then? Sorry Ms. Taylor, I should have come in time for your detention. This will not happen again"-I said mimicking an innocent nerd person and that made her more furious.

She slammed her hands on the table very hard shocking me.

I went back to my senses.

I hate to admit this but I am feeling something inside, hurt, disappointed, and worry especially for her hand.

"I've been waiting here for an hour already don't you get that?! You could have said sorry sincerely!"- she clenched her fist, if she has a rice in her hands, it might be turned into a powder.

But No, I'm not the one to blame here!

"I didn't tell you to wait! And I didn't say I will show up!"

"You are obliged to show up Davis! I have enough of you being a bitch today!"-I'm being a bitch I know, and I have heard her statement few times already but why does it hurt so much to hear it coming from her lips.

"I'm sorry. But I want you to stay away from me. I want you to avoid me like you did when I tried to kiss you. Let's do that way."

Everyone will leave anyway, everyone left me already, might as well be the one to leave first before they do, that way, the pain will be lesser.

I took a step away from her , away from the room,  drove away from school, and drove away the town.

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