Chapter 10

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After being in daze for few minutes, I have felt that someone is tugging my arms and now someone else's was infront of me already. I frown and look around and she wasn't there.

W-was that real? No way it wasn't real because her lips were amazing, but in some point it can be unreal,  surreal, too good to be true.

Does it really happen? Did I kiss her? And I pulled away and she sucked me back in, is it? Or it was just another illusion and day dreaming of mine?

Oh God please help me...

"Xyden!"-Camilla snapped her fingers making me go back to my senses.

But my stomach, I can feel butterflies inside it...what?! Butterflies?! Where did I even get that?! How do butterflies supposed to get inside my stomach! How! Oh my God! I'm high! Did I took drugs?! No way! I'm not the one to take drugs! Not yet at least!

My heart.. why is it beating so fast....

I might have eat something what is it... is it because I ate the whole pizza and forget about Camilla?!

"Camilla! Dis you cursed me because I ate the whole pizza last night?"

"Wtf are you you up to Xyden"-She glared at me while widening her eyes looking at me curiously.

If not then what is it.... why is my fcking organ beating so fast like this! Who put butterflies inside my stomach while I was unconscious ?! Who!

"Lauren! Did you fckin' put butterflies in my stomach when I was asleep?! Yeah, sure you did! You always prank me during my sleep! Now get this butterflies out my stomach now!"

"The heck bruh! Are you insane? You want me to call the doctor?"-She did not? Then is it Cathy?

I looked at her and she's looking at me like I am some sort of psychopath.

"You did it right?! You have nothing else to do!"

"You should go check a doctor Xy. Maybe the students you kissed earlier has some disease and now you're infected, especially your stupid brain"-shaking her head while looking at me from head to toe.

Wait what?! I'm not stupid! She is!

"I'm a fvcking straight A student Camilla!"

"Then make sense! We arrived here and you're not moving, something made you froze ? "

Think think!what happned?! Why am I stunned?!

Oh God, my stomach has some sort of butterflies inside  and my heart is racing and now my brain stopped functioning, now that makes me stupid and insane person.

C'mon Xyden!

"I need to go to the comfort room"-I mumbled and ran to the nearest comfort room.

Seeing the sink, I ran into it and let the water run and splash some to my face hoping this all will makes sense.

1 splash

2 splash

3 splash

4 splash












Okay stop I'm drowning. it's gone

Thanks God!

I left the bathroom and remember what Happened earlier and the possibly daydreaming I had, she told me not to go back to the kissing booth, and she said it seductively to me! What was she implying?!

Anyway, I didn't go back, Camilla called me saying that I am wanted at the kissing booth and students demanded me to be there but I didn't care, I could pay the lost. I ain't risking the possible last kiss with Ms Taylor even though it was me daydreaming. I don't want to wash her lips from my lips with anybody's lips.

I've wondered around looking for her in her booth and to other booths but she wasn't anywhere.

Tired of wandering around, i just tour myself and let myself enjoy the festival alone. I didn't bother looking for my friends and just went from booth to booth and to be honest, they were all pretty boring. I watch the kissing booth where no one could see me and I still see that few people are still lining with my suppose to be spot. They should know that I'm not going back to kiss them because I think I might actually kissed Zabrina, Ms. Taylor or whatever you want to call her.

I looked at my watch and it is still 3 in the afternoon, I unlocked my phone and there was a message. I opened it hoping it to be her but sadly it's not.

It was from my father saying I should get home straight.

I heave a sigh and wander my eyes again hoping that I could at least catch a glimpse of her but there was no trace of her.

With last final look I went to the parking lot. I will just go home since I couldn't see her anywhere. I sent a message to my friends saying I will go home
already and no one replied just how i expected it to be. They are enjoying too much.

I was about to get into my car when I get to glimpse at the faculty's parking lot. She was there...... with a guy who I presume to be her boyfriend.

They are kissing, she was kissing her back, her arms wrapped around his neck, she's pulling her closer to her until they were already leaned at her car.

My eyes couldn't look somewhere else, as if I froze again. That scene I am witnessing right now is breaking my heart. There's no way she kissed me earlier and said those things to me.

There's no way.

There's no way that was possible because she's making out with her boyfriend right in front of my eyes and I should have known that it was just my delusion. My mind was at frenzy earlier that I couldn't even think straight about those fvckig butterflies in my stomach, how my heart beats so fast like i jog hundred miles, how my knees felt like jelly earlier. I was daydreaming.

I move my feet finally and get in the car without them noticing me. I look at my rearview mirror and I see myself crying that I didn't even notice. How could this be possible. Why does it hurt so much. Why am I even crying.

I wipe my tears with my dry hand before starting the engine and drove away to my house. Maybe in my house I will feel numb.

I enter the house and the scene of my father with the leach hugging my father on the couch just made me want to vomit. What a very funny dramatic scene they have here.

"Xyden you're home"-my father said looking up from his laptop . Well obviously I am but this is not a home but a purely fvcking house.

"Why do you want me to head straight here?"-I ask straight to the point. He sigh as he rub the witch's hand.

"I just want to have a family dinner"

I stopped myself from laughing. Does he think we are, a family? Seriously? With that bitch? Oh c'mon, he must be dreaming

"I'm full, I just ate before I came home. Next time"-I said and went upstairs. I didn't heard him oppose so it must be fine for him.

Honestly I'm hungry but I rather die in hunger than eat with that witch.

Upon stepping into my room which it has feels a bit of home, i threw my bag at my bed and strip tight away before going to my bathroom for a cold shower.

The image of Zabrina kissing her boyfriend flashed in my mind again. I couldn't help, she was always been in my mind.

Wanting to erase the image, i turned the shower in coldest temperature it gets.

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