Chapter 9

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I was upset when Sunday came and we had to head back home. Even though Blake and I connected I didn’t see us going anywhere. But I was happy to know that I could move on and I could find happiness. After Blake and I dance I was to happy to react my revenge on Lewis. We had been on the road for a few hours, now it was quite and everyone was in their own little worlds; the stress was somewhat empty until before I could comprehend what was happening Dad violently jerks the car then all of a sudden the truck is rolling. It rolls and rolls before coming to a stop at the bottom of a ravine. Something was seriously wrong. It was extremely quite, my leg was numb, and my eyesight was extremely blurry. I could smell a lot of blood an it all seemed to be coming from me. A pounding feeling comes to my head and before I realize it I pass out. I don’t know how long I was out but when I woke up there were wolves surrounding me. I was barely conscious so I couldn’t figure out what pack they were from and I didn’t stay awake long enough to ask because of course I passed out again. The next time I woke up I couldn’t resist screaming in pain. An extreme burning, stinging, sensation coming from my leg. I feel people holding me down while attempting to calm me down. Suddenly I become drowsy again and fall back unconscious.

Finally the next time I woke up I don’t black out. I look around curiously trying to figure out where the hell I was.

“You’re in the Fire Blaze’s territory. Some enforcers found you, you were being crushed by the van.” I turn my head to the doorway to see a young woman standing in the door way.

“I don’t understand. Where’s my father and brothers?” I ask weakly.

“Your scent was the only scent around. There was no evidence of anyone else.” She explains stepping further into the room. I stare at her utterly confused. What happened to my brothers and Dad? Where did they go?

“You were pretty banged up, but your injuries weren’t deadly. What really affected you was the silver in you system.” she explains handing me a cup of water.

“How?” I ask frantically.

“You had a gash on you leg, I don’t know where it came from but somehow silver got into your system.” She explains sadly. I sit there trying to think everything over.

“What happened now?” I ask curiously.

“That’s for you to discuss with the Alpha.” She says shrugging. Sitting up slowly I throw the blanket off and stand up slowly.

“Whoa! Where do you think you’re going?” she asks worriedly.

“I’m about to go find your Alpha and talk to him. What else am I supposed to do, just sit here and wait?” I ask walking slowly to the door,

“Lay back down! I’ll get him.” She says calmly. I stare at her for a few seconds then letting out a sigh walking back to my bed.

“Can you at least tell me your name?” I ask curiously.

“Akira Shadows.” She says smiling.

“Symphony Black.” I reply smiling.

“Symphony, I like it. Its unique.” She says smiling, before walking out the room. I let out a sigh then collapse back on the bed.

It took a while before Akira came back, but when she did she was followed by an extremely good looking man. But as soon as our eyes met everything went haywire. My wolf all of a sudden just resurfaced, it was like she dormant but now she was fully awake. I also realized the man behind Akira was growling deeply and I could tell he was fighting his own wolf.

“No way,” Akira say shocked looking between me and her Alpha.


Picture of Akira Shadows

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