Chapter 41

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After Christmas, December passed by. Nothing real big happened during January; Angela just becomes even more defiant as she gets bigger. But now its February one month away from the baby being born, two months from the set wedding date, and three months from Angela's first birthday. My baby girl is growing up so fast, I truly can’t believe she's about to turn one.

Today is the day we finally learned the gender of the baby. Adrian was going crazy, he carried Angela and I to the car saying we were taking too long to get to the car. We were all on the way to the OB, and Dalton and I made sure Adrian was sitting in the backseat;

"He's not driving because he can't calm down. If we'd let him drive he would've sped the entire way." Dalton states turning to me as he parks the car.

"Good thing we're here then." I state smiling climbing out the car.

We sat in the waiting room, and getting Adrian sit still was proving to be a challenge.

"Calm down Daddy." Angela demands crossing her arms. Adrian's head jerks to her staring at her in shock.

"Did you just tell me what to do?" he questions turning in his seat.

"Yes, I did." she says smirking at him, before he can say anything the door opened and Candace steps out smiling widely. Once Angela sees Candace, she jumps from Dalton's lap running over to her. 

"Angela, you’re getting so big" she state kneeling giving her hug. Not only was Candace my doctor, she was also the main doctor who kept an eye on Angela.

"Do I get to see the baby inside mommy?" she asks curiously, turning to point at me.

"Yes you do, and I'll give you a picture to keep." she states smiling. We all stand and follow Candace back to her office.

"Symphony I need you to get on the examining table, lay back and lift your shirt up. And must tell you this, this gel can be cold." she states smiling. She squeezes the gel, but it really wasn’t even cold.

"Hm, most people say it's cold." she mumbles shrugging while moving the probe around on my stomach. A moment later a picture appears on the screen and I could easily tell what I was looking at, Adrian and Dalton on the other hand no idea what they were looking at.

"What exactly are we looking at?" Dalton questions slowly, causing Candace to chuckle  then grabbing a pen and begins to pointing to things on the screen pointing things out to them explaining to them what things are. I was extremely curious as to why Adrian was so quite, and when I turn my head to see why I see tears streaming down his face with a soft smile on his face.

" it a girl or a boy?" Dalton questions slowly glancing at Candace who turns to me smiling then glances at Dalton, Adrian, and Angela;

"Congratulations it's a healthy baby boys." she states smiling widely.

"Yes!" Adrian yells reaching out pulling me to him burying his face in my hair.

"I'm going to get my son," he says excitedly kissing the side of my head. Looking over at Dalton I see him smiling and he too has a few tears streaming down his face.

"I get to be a big sister?" Angela states looking up at Dalton curiously.

"Yup, you're going to be the big sister to a new baby brother." Dalton states kissing her forehead.

After the appointment Adrian was eager to start on the nursery. We already had most of the furniture we just needed to paint and set things up. So when we arrived home, we invited Delphine and Tristan over. So while the guys are working upstairs, Delphine and I are in the living room discussing wedding plans. Delphine is the maid of honor, and I was extremely upset because Whizdom wasn’t here, but I was managing. It was decided that the wedding and reception would be held at Monica's. Jessalyn and Angel were to be the flower girls. Kyra and Tanya were going to be my Jr. Bridesmaids, and Tristan was going to be another groomsmen.

"What's the color scheme?" Delphine ask curiously flipping through a dress magazine.

"I was thinking coral, navy blue, and silver." I state shrugging.

"I think those are cute colors to go together." the room goes quite and she lets out a sigh, "I just Whizdom was here, it just doesn’t feel right not having her here to help out with all of this." she mumbles sadly.

"I want to find out what happened to her. I love Whizdom; she's like another sister to me. I just wished we could figure out what happened to her." I whisper.

"I feel like there is something we can..." she stops talking when my phone begins to ring on the table. Looking at it curiously I lean forward grabbing it from the table to see an unknown number.

"Who is it?" she asks curiously.

"I don’t know." I mumble answering the phone.

"Hello....hello?" It's quite and at first I just think someone got the wrong number, until I hear the voice on the other end.

"Symphony...I need you." her voice was shaky and you could easily tell that something was extremely wrong.

"Whizdom...I can’t believe you’re calling." I say slowly.

"Symphony...something bad has happened and I don’t know what to do."

"Talk to me Whizdom what happened, where are you?" I ask frantically

"My cabin, Dalton knows wheres it is. Please Symphony I need you." she completely ignore my first question but I'm not concerned with that right now. She ends up hanging up leaving me stunned, pulling the phone I look at Delphine and I'm at a lost for words.

"Go talk to Adrian and Dalton if you want Tristan and I to watch Angela we wll. Go talk to them, right now." she says calmly.






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