Chapter 15

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4 years later/ Symphony’s POV

4 long years have passed since that fateful night that my brother Michael attempted to kill me. Of course a lot has happened, the rogue Tenzin and his accomplices were sentenced to death for their crimes. That includes my father Tyler, my brothers Jameson, Michael, Trevor, Liam, and Anya Along with Jasper’s father Alexander Sanamoni. My mother wasn’t killed but her connection to her wolf was severed to technically she isn’t a werewolf anymore. Jacob’s father lost his title as Alpha and his brother had to take over until Jacob was ready.

It took a long time for me to adjust to my new life here with my family. When I turned 18 two years ago Darren and I mated and a year later we married. Eight months later I found out I was pregnant. In four months I’ll be the proud mother of a new edition to the family. Darren was looking forward to being a father. He was so possessive and controlling , be freaked out over the littlest stuff, but I loved him so I didn’t mind. Another thing that happened is Akira became my sister-in-law. She and Chris mated not to long ago and I was happy for them.

It had been awhile since I visited Verity, Jacob and the twins so we were traveling up to stay for a couple days. I was only two months along and I was already showing. 

“You ready to go? I want to get on the road now so by the time we get there it should be around 5ish.” Darren says walking over to me after he shuts the trunk. I nod my head smiling at him and climb into the car. Last time I saw Verity she was only a month away from giving birth, I can already assume she had the baby but I have no idea the gender or the name.

When we arrived at the pack house we’d pulled into the drive way and before I know it I notice Verity running out of the house. I jump out the car and we engulf each other in a tight hug. Even though she had a baby I could feel the indication that she was yet again pregnant. 

“I missed you so much Symphony, I’m so sorry that we haven’t been able to keep in touch. After we had Lincoln, we’ve been so busy.” Verity says pulling back smiling at me widely.

“Don’t stress about it, I have four more months to go before I have this one..” I say shrugging.

“Value your peaceful nights while you can. Because as soon as that pup is born get ready to have some sleepless nights.” She says shaking her head. Speaking of little ones a little boy with light blonde hair and big green eyes comes running out the house and over to Verity.

“He’s a complete replica of Jacob.” I say shaking my head at how much he resembles his father.

“He may look like me but he’s nothing like me. He’s the male version of Verity.” Jacob grumbles walking out the house shaking his head. I smile at Jacob and engulf him in a hug a few minutes later I can hear Darren growling.

“Oh you hush, we’re mated they’re mated there’s no reason for you to be growling.” I say shaking my head at Darren’s behavior. He lets out a huff and continues to pull suitcases out the trunk.

“Don’t you think you should help him?” Jacob asks looking down at me.

“I’m pregnant; I shouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting.” I say crossing my arms.

“I’ve been saying that since the day we found out you were pregnant.” Darren grumbles walking past me.

“Here, let me help you.” Jacob says grabbing a few piece of luggage form the trunk.

“Where are Luka and Asher?” I ask questioningly.

“Asher is…somewhere around here. And Luka is probably in Phillie visiting his girlfriend.” She explains calmly.

“Too much time has passed; you need to tell me everything that I’ve missed.” I say shaking my head following her into the house

I sat in the living room with Verity as she caught me up on everything, while we chatted away Darren and Jacob disappeared into Jacob’s man cave.

“Okay let me see if I have everything. Jasper and Rosemarie are married but aren’t mated, Luka is dating twin girls willingly, Asher is lazy just living up the life of a bachelor, and Sawyer is engaged.” I say slowly as Verity nods her head at everything I summed up.

“Correct, so what do you want to talk about first? Luka dating two women who are TWINS or Jasper who married Rosemarie but wont officially mate with her?” she ask grabbing a cup of lemonade handing it to me.

“Lets start with Luka; I don’t really care too much for Jasper.” I say letting out a sigh.

“One year ago, we invited my Uncle’s pack here for a visit. My uncle has twin daughter Cassidy and Candice, I don’t know the full story but by the end of the night neither of them would let go of Luka. He hasn’t stopped texting them and calling them, he goes to visit them often.” She explains shaking her head.

“I never really pictured Luka being the one going for twin, but I can’t see Asher with twins either.” I say shaking my head.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” Asher grumbles walking into the living room. Jumping up I wrap my arms around Asher hugging him tightly.

“I missed you too Symphony,” he say laughing. I looked at Asher and he’s matured. His hair was cut extremely short and he had a lot of stubble.

“My Asher is all grown up.” I say pinching his cheeks pulling his face side to side. He grabs my wrists moving his face side-to-side to lessen the pain.

“And my Symphony is all pregnant.” He says laughing.

“She’s mine,” turning I watch as Darren walks into the room.

“Again hush it, we’re mated there’s nothing to worry about.” I say laughing. He begins grumbling under his breath so low I can’t even hear him. But he’s close to verity so she can hear him and she slaps his arm.

“Watch that mouth.” She scolds shaking her head. He looks down at her and roles her eyes.

We all sat in the living room just talking, Lincoln surprised us all by entering the room after waking from his nap and running and jumping onto Darren’s lap.

“He likes you,” Verity says laughing, Darren rolls his eyes but he seems to like having Lincoln in his lap.

“As much as I would like to have an adorable mini version of Darren but I really want a girl.” I say rubbing my belly soothingly.

“Just what the world needs another little Symphony running around.”Asher says shaking his head laughing. I grab a pillow and throw it at his head. He bursts out laughing when I miss terribly and the pillow hits Jacob. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door causing everyone to stop laughing.

“I’ll get it,” Jacob says standing up walking to the front door. I hear the door open and a lot of soft talking, a couple seconds later Jacob comes back with the one person I really didn’t want to see. Following behind Jacob is of course Jasper, something about the way Jasper was looking at me made me feel uncomfortable and I began leaning a little into Darren, who obviously sensed my distress. Seeing Jasper I came to a conclusion, this was going to be one long stay.


Cute picture i find that represents Verity and Symphony

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