Chapter 32

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It's been two weeks since the wonderful dinner with Adrian's family and thing since then have been nice until this week. With the way things have been I'm pretty sure I may be pregnant again. Almost every day after Adrian leaves I have morning sickness. I've had Whizdom come and watch Angela because I was so lethargic. Today both Delphine and Whizdom were coming over and I told Whizdom to pick up a pregnancy test because she was the most convenient.

The three of us sat in the den that was connected to the living room, Angela was busy watching TV.

"Would you be happy if you were pregnant with another child?" Delphine asks curiously. I let out a sigh and I just can't look away from the test,

"I would be fine with another child; I was just hoping that Adrian and I would be at least engaged before we had another child. But hey, at least Angela might have someone to play with." I explain shrugging.

"Have you talked to Dalton at all?" Whizdom asks slowly, I never told Adrian but I did actually talk with Dalton on the phone. I felt bad that I didn't tell Adrian but I just wanted to go slow with Dalton.

"We've talked over the phone a couple times, but I keep forgetting to tell Adrian but I don't really think he'll care. I want to take it slow with Dalton, I don't want to rush things." I explain shrugging.

4 minutes later

"The answer should be there." Delphine whispers. Taking a deep breathe I lift the pregnancy test and let out a sigh.

"Looks like Angela is going to be a big sister." I whisper looking between the two girls.

"You should tell Adrian as soon as he gets home." Whizdom states immediately.

"I'm surprised Adrian hasn't already notice your scent change. You have to be around 4 to 6 weeks or so." Delphine says standing from the bed moving to look into the living room.

"Maybe he's noticed but is waiting for me to say something." I suggest grabbing the test and setting it on the my desk.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Whizdom ask watching me curiously.

"A mini Adrian would be extremely adorable." I say smiling, placing a hand on my stomach.

"Adrian loves Angela with all his heart, learning he's going to be a Dad again might cause him to burst with excitement." Delphine states kneeling down lifting up Angela who had toddled over to her. I feel my phone buzz, I pull it from my pocket and smile.

"Is it Adrian?" Whizdom questions as we all move into the living room.

"No, it's Dalton." I say smiling answering the phone.

"Hey Dalton." I answer plopping down on the couch.

"Hey Symph...." he doesn't finish because of a series of loud thumps.

"Dalton, are you alright?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, I'm just moving some things from my living room to my attic and I just fell going up the stairs." he says laughing.

"Nice one Dalton." I say laughing.

"I called you for a reason but I cant remember." he grumbles, I hear a lot of shuffling for a couple minutes before he lets out a sigh.

"I can't multitask so I'll call you later when I'm done and when I can hopefully remember what important thing i had to tell you." he says letting out a sigh.

"Alright, well be careful and try not to hurt yourself." I say calmly.

"I'll be alright. Bye Symph." He says before hanging up.

"My brother is such a klutz." Whizdom mumbles shaking her head.

"I think his clumsiness is kind of cute." I say smiling. She rolls her eyes letting out a sigh leaning back in her seat.

After a couples hours Delphine has to head to work so now it was just me, Whizdom,and little Angela. Right now Angela was asleep in the living room on the couch and Whizdom and I were sitting in the kitchen sipping on cups of iced tea.

"I hope Adrian propose, you two should've been married months ago." She says smiling.

"I'm worried Dalton will think that if Adrian and I were to get engaged that I'd be so focused on the wedding that I'd just forget about him which isn't true. I really want things between Dalton and I to work, and of course once things work out for us I want to make sure things will work out for all of us. Which means Adrian, Angela, Dalton, me, and this little jelly bean. I hope for all of us to be a family." I say smiling rubbing small circles on my stomach.

"All Adrian wants is for your guys to be a happy family. I think that it won't be hard for you guys to accomplish that goal. Adrian and Dalton are both calm, sweet, and good men that would do anything to assure that you and any children you have are happy, safe, and cared for." She says smiling.

"I plan on telling Adrian about how things between Dalton and I are going good. And of course I'm going to tell him about the baby too." I say calmly.

"I think things are going good for you Symph, you really have nothing to worry about." Whizdom says smiling encouragingly.

"I think things are going good for you Symph, you really have nothing to worry about." Whizdom says smiling encouragingly.

A few hours later Whizdom leaves, and a couple moments after she leaves Adrian arrives home. By now Angela was running around the living room and as soon as Adrian entered the house she took off towards the front door screaming daddy.

"My little princess I'm so happy to see you, I missed you so much." He says kneeling down lifting her into his arms kissing her on her cheek. I walk over to Adrian leaning up pecking him on his cheek.

"And of course I missed you too my love.' Adrian smile, looking down at me with adoration in his eyes.

"Delphine and Whizdom came over today so I had someone control our wild child. I just wish you could stay home more often." I say smiling as Angela jumps forms his arms running back into the living room.

"I was hoping you'd say that. For the next two weeks I'm going to be working from home, I hate being away from the two of us." He explains smiling as we both plop down on the couch.

"I've been talking with Dalton for a while, I really want thing between us to work out." I say softly resting my head on his shoulder.

"That's good, I'm happy that you two are finally getting to know each other." he says wrapping his arms around me. I enjoyed being in Adrian's arms it was nice to just sit and relax while Angela wore herself out just laying on the floor while watching TV. I had slipped into the kitchen to put a pizza in the oven and when I retuned Adrian wasn't on the couch anymore. Angela had fallen asleep on the floor so I had slowly moved her onto the couch, standing up and turning around I see Adrian standing there holding the pregnancy test a wide smile on his face and silent tears falling down his face.

"It was supposed to be a surprise." I mumble smiling softly.

"We're having another baby. We get to use that extra room sooner than I thought." He says smiling walking across the room wrapping me in his arms.

"I want a boy," I mumble taking a deep breath of his wonderful woodsy scent.

"I don't care if it's a boy or a girl, I'm having another child with the woman I love. My life is perfect." He says smiling widely leaning down kissing me gently on my lips.

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