Chapter 44 part two

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Day before the wedding

Tomorrow I get to walk down the aisle and say 'I Do'. All the girls are staying at Delphine's while the guys are staying at Dante's/

"It's like being in school all over again, having a sleepover in the living room." Candace says smiling.

"Time has flown by so fast, I can’t believe tomorrow is the wedding." I say smiling nervously.

"Aren’t you guys going on a family trip/honeymoon?" Delphine ask curiously coming into the room carrying a tray of snacks.

"Yeah, but I don’t know where to though. Adrian won’t tell us, he said it’s a surprise." I explain shrugging.

"Knowing Adrian, he probably has something big planned." Delphine states smiling.

"I feel so excited about tomorrow. It makes me think about my own wedding." Anastasia states sounding like a love sick school girl.

"You and Dante are such a cute couple." Candace says smiling as Anna begins to blush.

"It'll only be matter of time before Dante pops the question." Delphine says shrugging.

"So Symphony, how does it feel being away from your family, especially Hunter?" Candace asks curiously.

"It's...strange. I've been away from all of them before, but I really miss my baby. He's my little koala bear, I'm always holding him , it's so weird not having him around." I explain letting out a sigh.

Meanwhile-Adrian's POV

It’s truly hard to believe that tomorrow Dalton and Symphony will be getting married. Hunter was born, Dalton and Symphony are getting married, Angela will be turning one next month Before we know it another little one will be in the house, this time it'll probably be Dalton's. How did I get so blessed to have this wonderful life? Everything in my opinion is going perfectly.

"Damn you Adrian listen to me." Dalton demands slapping my arm.

"Sorry, what'd you say?" I ask sheepishly, when the hell did he even get in here?

"It's about tomorrow. I’m just nervous, tomorrow is the big day." he explains letting out a sigh.

"Why are you nervous, there's nothing to be nervous about? You’re marrying the woman you love, surrounded by people who care. It's just last minute jitters, you have nothing to worry about." I explain patting his should gently. He lets out a long sigh and runs his fingers through his hair putting on a determined smile.

"You’re right, thanks a lot Adrian. I don’t think I could've kept it together if it wasn’t for you." he states smiling gratefully.

"No problem." I say smiling.


Waking up this morning we instantly began getting ready. Angela, Jessa, Kyra, Tanya, and Monica are all here. I wish Hunter was here, I really miss my little boy. But at least I had one of my babies. Angela looked absolutely adorable in her dress; she and Jessa looked like two little princesses.

"Angela, Jessa you two look so adorable.” I say smiling at the, from my seat as the final touches are done to my hair."

"Mommy you look really pretty too. You're going to look like a pretty queen." Angela states smiling up at me.

1 hour later

Finally we're on our way to Monica's house. Everyone is dressed and ready the closer we got to her house the more nervous I became."

"Symphony, stop making faces." Monica scolds."

"I'm sorry, I’m just nervous." I mumble letting out a sigh.

"You have nothing to be stressing over, calm down." Candace says rolling her eyes."

"Never tell someone who's nervous to calm down. Especially someone who's about to get married." I snap frustrated.

“I’m just saying Symphony, you have no reason to be worried about." she says shrugging."

You’re right I’m overreacting." I mumble.

Arriving at the house Monica hurriedly rushes me inside. On the way to my room, we passed Dante and Tristan who distracted Anna and Delphine."

Just need to do some last minute touch ups." Monica states messing with my hair. As she's doing that there is a knock at the door. Turning our heads we see Ashton poke his head in smiling."

It's time." he says coming into the room holding his arm out to me. I asked Ashton to walk me down the aisle, I say him like a father and he looked at me like another daughter. Monica pecks me on the cheek before exiting the room. Looking at Ashton I let out a sigh.

"You aren’t nervous are you?" he asks curiously.

"No, just eager." I whisper.

"You'll do wonderful." he says smiling down at me pecking me on the forehead.

Meanwhile-Dalton's POV

To say i was nervous was an understatement. I was constantly rocking on my feet, and checking my watch."

Calm down papa." Angela scolds; looking down at her shocked I can’t believe she called me that. She's always called me uncle never papa, turning my head to look at Adrian I see him with a wide smile on his face. In his arms he held a babbling Hunter, who was looking around curiously."

“I'm sorry Angela, I’ll calm down." I mumble.

"Be quite, Mommy and grandpa are coming." she scolds pointing down the aisle. Tuning my head and seeing Symphony coming down the aisle I can’t help let out a loud gasp. She looked beautiful, no stunning, no gorgeous. Ugh, there isn’t even a word good enough to describe her. She and Ashton make it down the aisle, and he places her tiny hand in mine. Feeling the sparks I felt when we first met, I smile knowing that this is the start of our new life. The entire time I was constantly sneaking glances down at Symphony, every once in a while she's catch me and begin to blush. How'd I get so luck o be blesses with this gorgeous woman as my mate.

Adrian's POVS

Seeing the way Dalton was acting throughout the ceremony made me smile. I’m happy that they’re marrying. I love everyone in my family, and whatever makes them happy I'll support them. The way Dalton used to be, compared to now makes me smile. He's changed so much, and is a major part of our family. Finally zoning back in, I realized I spaced out through most of the ceremony because now Dalton was removing Symphony's veil and is leaning down to kiss her. They continue to kiss until Hunter begins making an upset gurgling noise. They pull away and both turn to look at him, causing everyone to laugh. Hunter truly is a momma's boy, he doesn’t like anyone touching Symphony. I find it adorable.

The Reception- Symphony's POV

I’ve never been so happy in my entire life. I sat between Adrian and Dalton, with Hunter on my lap, and Angela on the opposite side of Adrian. All throughout dinner Dalton would lean over and peck me on the cheek, or catch me off guard and our lips would meet in a passionate kiss.

"You said you planned a special family trip Adrian, where exactly are we going?" I say turning to Adrian curiously.

"Not saying." he states smirking.

"Just tell us where we're going." Dalton whines crossing his arms.

"Nope, it's a surprise." he states smiling.

"Can we have a hint?" I ask curiously.

"It’s very sunny, and it's out east." he says smiling.

"Ugh," Dalton groans setting his head on my shoulder. My two special mates, my gorgeous children, and wonderful family. This is perfect, and this is how I want life to be.





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