Chapter 39

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 It was now my favorite time of the year, Christmas time which was now in four days. The Christmas tree was up with many presents underneath. Angela of course was eager to open all the neatly wrapped boxes with her name on them. Adrian and Dalton seem to come home every day with more and more presents for Angela, and I’m worried how many presents Monica has gotten her.

Over these past few weeks s Angela has become a spoiled, overly intelligent girl. Dalton and Adrian can’t deny her anything; I have yet to see either one of them tell her ‘No’ to getting something she wants. I on the other hand… I am considered the big mean because I won’t give her everything she wants. 

Today was a rough day for me. Angela is being difficult right now so she was in time out. She sat on the couch opposite of me, with her arms crossers, eyes narrowed as glared daggers. I sat on the opposite couch reading my book and I’d glance up at her every once in a while but she was still glaring. When my phone rang she looks down at it curiously and watches me as I grab it from the table. It was normal for Adrian to call every few hours to check up on us. Dalton on the other hand would just pop in and out to check on us.

“Hi Adrian,” I say smiling watching as Angela’s face lights up hearing his name.

“Good evening gorgeous.” He answers happily.

“Your daughter is in time out. I thought I should let you know. She’s sitting across from me glaring." I state not looking away from her as she lets out an annoyed huff.

"What did she do?" he asks slowly letting out a sigh.

"Since you and Dalton don’t know how to tell her 'no' she threw a fit, so I put her in time out." I explain watching as she holds her head down in shame.

"We're not that easy on her." he says slowly.

"Yes, you guys are. You two let her get away with everything. I understand you two enjoy spoiling her, but with the way she acts you guys are pretty much saying rules don’t apply to her." I say letting out a sigh, looking at Angela as she plays with her fingers. I hear him letting out a long sigh on the other end.

"You're right, Dalton and I'll talk about it with you later." he says softly.

"Thank you. I'm having cravings; I'm going to call Dalton." I say while standing from my seat,.

"You go from scolding me, to saying you have cravings." he says laughing.

"I'm pregnant, what do you expect?" I say smiling, thinking about what I want.

"Alright then, well I have you get back to work." he says chuckling softly. I say goodbye to him then hang up,  but call Dalton knowing he'll get me something.

"Hello princess, what can I do for you?" Dalton answers.

"I'm having cravings..." I state in a sing song voice. I hear him chuckle,

"What can I get for you my love?" he asks curiously.

"Can you be a sweetheart and go to that diner we had our first date at and get me a chocolate milkshake with extra whip cream, with a large side of fries." I say softly.

"Of course I can my gorgeous love, I'm on my way there as we speak." he states happily.

"You should not be on the phone while driving." I scold sternly.

"Calm down my dear, I’m using an ear piece. There’s nothing to worry about hun." he says reassuringly.

"Alright, I'll see you when you come home." I say softly. He says good-bye then hangs up. Recently I've noticed that Dalton tends to call me many different pet names. It's like he can’t decide. Looking at Angela I notice her watching me curiously but I can see the sleepiness in her eyes. She was trying so hard to stay awake; she slowly slips off the couch walking over to me slowly before stopping in front of me.

"I sawy mummy. I didn’t mean to be bad." she says looking at me sadly. Letting out a sigh I smile down at her softly.

"It's alright sweetheart. Mommy forgives you, just promise me you’ll behave from now on." i say smiling pulling her onto my lap. She nods her head slowly, laying her head on my shoulder and begins to suck her thumb.

Once Dalton arrived home I was extremely happy to get my fries and milkshake. Of course once Angela heard Dalton's voice she sprang awake moving from my arms to his. While I ate, Dalton and Angela were going through a series of board games. At the moment they were playing checkers and Dalton was one move away from winning. As soon as Angela moved her piece, Dalton easily took it winning the game losing to Dalton made Angela snap, she grabbed the board flipping it causing all the pieces to fly everywhere. At that same moment the front door opens and Adrian steps in. Angela jumps up from her spot and runs straight to Adrian clutching onto his leg. Dalton turns to me curiously.

"She gets that from Adrian." I state shrugging.

"What are you talking about?" Adrian questions kneeling bending over lifting Angela into his arms walking into the living room plopping down beside me.

"Flipping the game board when she loses." I say shrugging.

"He cheated." she exclaims pulling back looking at Adrian.

"Did he now?" he says putting on a fake glare at Dalton. She nods her head slowly before buying her face in Adrian's neck again. Adrian turns to me and makes a disgusted face.

"How can you eat that?" he ask shaking his head.

"It's actually not that bad. I've always liked dipping my fries into my milkshakes." I explain shrugging.

"I refuse to mix food that doesn’t belong together." he states.

"It's actually not that bad." Dalton says looking over his shoulder while collecting scattered checker pieces.

"Not happening, its gross." he mumbles.


Here's Chapter 39!!!!

Check out the preview of the sequel I've put up. In just a few chapters 'Strength' will be over.

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