Chapter 24

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Tonight was going to be Adrian's and I's special night. Whizdom was already here helping me get ready while cooing to Angela.

"You look absolutely amazing Symphony, Adrian is going to freak when he sees you." She says smiling. I smile at her compliment then turn back to the mirror to examine myself.

"You think so? Am I over doing it?" I say turning to her nervously.

"You look amazing, there's nothing to worry about Symph. You and Adrian are going to have a wonderful night, while Angela and I have some bonding time." she says smiling encouragingly.

"Thank you Whizdom." I say turning, engulfing her in a tight hug.

I take a deep breath then slowly walk down the stairs to find Adrian standing at the bottom moving from one foot to the other. He looks up and his mouth hangs open wide, I'm standing right I'm front of him and he still hasn't said anything.

"Please say something." I whisper nervously. Finally his expression changes to a loving smile.

"You look absolutely gorgeous Symphony. I promise you tonight is going to be perfect." he says leaning down kissing my cheek. I feel my cheeks heat up and I let him guide me out to his truck outside.

The silence in the truck was a comfortable one, I had no idea where we were going but Adrian kept glancing over at me with a large smile. I was excited but I was also a little nervous, I've never been away from Angela and I was already missing her. I let out a sigh and turn my head looking out the window and it is then I realize we stopped. I turn to Adrian to find him getting out the truck and walks over to my side. He opens the door unbuckles me then helps me out the truck. He laces our fingers together and pulls me along, we walk for a while before he stops and places his hands over my eyes.

"Its a surprise Symphony. Trust me you'll love it." he whispers guiding me slowly. I feel the terrain change and I can tell we're on a board dock as my heel clack against the wood. Then finally we come to a stop, then he slowly takes his hand from my eyes to reveal a small boat that had lights on them. I let out a small gasp and turn to Adrian who's smiling at me,

"Don't worry this is just the beginning." he says guiding me onto the boat.

The inside of the boat was gorgeous. It was comfortable and there was a small table for two set up. Adrian pulls my seat out and gestures for me to sit then pushes my chair back in. He takes a seat across from me and a few moments later a well dressed man come out and fills Adrian's and I"s glasses.

"How long have you been planning this?" I ask curiously taking a small sip of my drink.

"For a while now. This is just part one." he explains smiling

"How many parts are there?" I ask curiously.

"Three." he states.

The meal was delicious. A fresh garden salad, for dinner linguine with shrimp scampi, and for dessert strawberry cheesecake. After the nice meal I called Whizdom to check on her and Angela, after that Adrian guided me to the top of the deck. He disappeared for a few moments only to return a few minutes later. Nothing was said for a while and he kept checking the time. He kept fidgeting before smiling and looking up. Curiously I look up too and I am shocked to see an amazing meteor shower.

“H…how did you know this was going to happen?” I ask curiously.

“It’s a surprise.” He says smiling continuing to watch the shower, the sight was gorgeous and I was sad when it ended.

“That was part two, come so part three can begin.” He says holding his hand out for me to take.

The boat docked and now Adrian and I were walking along the beach, he had his arm over my shoulder and had me pressed to his side. We walk up a small hill before walking into a small clearing. There were light draped on the trees giving it  a romantic feel to is/ standing in the clearing out of nowhere soft music begins playing. Adrian walks us to the middle of the clearing swaying gently to the music. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest as he places his hands on my waist leaning his head down burying his face in my neck.

I don’t know how long we danced but Adrian pulled back looked at the time then smiled. He leans down his lips inches away before he whispers;

“Happy birthday Symphony.” Then sealing the night with a kiss.


The picture to the side isnt the boat but its how i picture the romantic dinner.

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