Chapter 36

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It has been two days since Thanksgiving. Adrian has returned to work but instead of getting off at 8 he now gets off at 5. Angela's flu has returned, and Dalton has picked up a lot of small jobs so now he pops in and out checking in on us. I haven't been able to get into contact with Whizdom and as the days pass I become more worried. Like promised Tanya keeps in contact anytime she wants to talk, she even gained the confidence to tell her Mother everything.
Yesterday was the day of the ultrasound and thankfully we were just told that our pup was healthy and growing rapidly. Our due date was sometime around late march and early April, and by January we'd learn the gender which Adrian was eager about.
I was sitting in the living room in the recliner with Angela resting on the couch, when I heard a knock at the door. Standing slowly I walk to the door extremely curious as to who was at the door. When I open the door to see Tanya standing there, I'm extremely confused as to why she's here.

"My aunt Lena is coming to stay with us for a while. Aunt Lena hates mom because she thinks dad made a mistake marrying her. Therefore she doesn't like Delphine, Kyra, Jessalyn, or me. So I asked mom if she could bring me here for a couple hours." She explains stepping into the house.
"Oh, well that's fine by me. Angela is resting in the living room; she's come down with the flu." I explain shrugging.
"Alright, well do you have any place I can play on my laptop?" she asks curiously.
"Well there's the study right off the living room. You can pull the curtains and it's pretty nice in there. There's also the sunroom right off the kitchen, it's pretty cool in there." I say shrugging.
"Oh well I'm going to go to the sunroom." She says shrugging.
"Alright, well I'm going to check on Angela and make her lunch. Would you like anything?" I ask stepping into the living room grabbing the thermometer.
"No I'm good, but thanks anyway." She says turning disappearing through the kitchen. When I check Angela's temperature I become extremely worried when I see it's 101. Letting out a sigh I decide to call Candace. She tell me to give Angela some medicine, place a damp towel on her forehead, keep her hydrated, and make sure she gets a lot of rest. Heading into the kitchen I decided to make her some soup and I decided to call Adrian, but right as I'm about to call him he calls.
"Hey I was just about to call you." I answer smiling.
"Oh, I was just calling to check up on you, Angela, and Tanya." He explains.
"How'd you know Tanya was here?" I ask shocked.
"Mom called." Is all he says.
"Oh well, Tanya and I am good. Its Angela I'm worried about she has a fever of 101, I called Candace and she just gave me some simple instructions, and to make sure Angela takes it easy." I explain softly.
"I hate knowing she's so ill." He says letting out a long sigh.
"I know, but we just have to give her time I'm sure she'll be alright." I say calmly.
"Well I have to get back to work. I'll call you later and I'm sure Dalton will pop in to check on you guys." He says softly.
"Alright, bye love." I say, he says his goodbyes then hangs up. I turn to grab a bowl when I'm met with a pair of soft lips, pulling back I smile up at Dalton.
"That's a new way of being greeted." I say, smiling.
"I wanted to try something new, Im done working for the day." he says smiling.
"Want to helpme with Angela?" I say slipping from his arms.
"My poor little princess is sick." he sighs turning to lean against the counter.
"I'm sure she'll be okay." I say smiling reasuringly.
By the time Adrian arrived home Angela was feeling some what better, thankfully her temperature had gone down some. Hearing her giggle and talk with Dalton made me smile. While Adrian was in the study getting some extra work done Monica came to get Tanya and it was obvious someone had been pissing her off,
"Tanya told me about your siter-in-law." I sat softly.
"I had to get out of there or else Kyra and Jessa would've witnessed their "aunt" being murdered by their mother." she explains shaking her head.
"That sucks." I mumble.
"So dear, how is Angela doing. I heard she wasn't feeling well." she ask while peaking her head into the living room.
"Her temperature had gone down, I make sure to check it often. Compred to this morning, she's feeling much better." I explain smiling.
"Maybe she has another tooth coming in. She has alpha blood in her and she's around six months, she may still have some teeth that need to come in." she states shrugging...why didn't I think of that?
"Thank you Monica, I'll check that." I say smiling, a moment later Tanya comes out.
"Hey Mom," she says smiling.
"Ready to go home and prevent from your killing your aunt." Monica grumbles running her fingers through her hair.
"Not really." She grumbles.
"We'll see you later, bye sweetheart." Monica says smiling walking out with Tanya. As soon as the door is closed Adrian emerges from the study.
"I can't stand aunt Lena." He grumbles shaking his head. Turning my head I watch as Dalton hold Angela's mouth open,
"I see you heard what Monica said." I say moving further into the living room.
"I don't know why I didn't think of it, and of course she was right. And she has another canine coming in." he says smiling.
"Good to know we known why she's ill." Adrian says letting out a sigh. As I'm standing there I become extremely dizzy having to place my hand on the wall to steady myself. A major symptom of my pregnancy is dizzy spells.
"You alright Symphony?" Adrian asks looking at me worriedly.
"Yeah...I'm going to head to be early though." I mumble softly. Adrian rises from his seat walking over to me kissing my forehead.
"Go rest,I'll be up soon." He says softly. Nodding my head I walk over to Dalton pecking him on the lips then placing a kiss on Angela's forehead. I then head upstairs to sleep.

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