Chapter 38

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Symphony's POV

Today I was extremely excited, Adrian and Dalton have decided to take Angela and I on a picnic. Of course Angela has since recovered from the flu last week and is now back to hyperactive self. November is nearly over and I’m already beginning to show. The only downfall was that I still haven’t heard a word from Whizdom and I’m extremely worried. Delphine can’t get a hold of her, I can’t, Dalton cant, not even Adrian can. When I went by the apartment I learned that she moved out three weeks ago, and didn’t leave a forwarding address. It was like she didn’t want anyone finding her.

Dressing in a light summer dress, a cute sun hat, and a pair of comfortable flats. I was extremely eager for the picnic. Slipping into Angela's room I found her dressed in a cute floral shirt, a white skirt, and a pair of brown sandals. She jumps off her bed and rushes over to me holding her hands up, kneeling down I lift her into my arms smiling at her.

"Ready to go on a picnic with Daddy and Dalton?" I ask smiling widely. She nods her had furiously,

"Yes, I wanna go, I wanna go." she says clapping her hands.

The ride to the picnic area was quite and relaxing. Dalton was doing the driving since it was his idea; he was the one taking us to the picnic area. I sat up front besides Dalton while Adrian sat in the back with Angela who was babbling away.

"We're not giving her anything sweet. I'm pretty sure that girl has ADHD." I say shaking my head.

"She's just active." Dalton says shrugging.

Arriving at the picnic area, Adrian and Dalton set up while Angela and I looked around, she really wanted to pick some flowers but I wouldn't let her until we were done with lunch. Walking back to the guys I was met with a neatly set up picnic. It was a medium sized clearing, surrounded by hundreds of differently colored flowers. Dalton and Adrian were setting out the plates when we came back.

"This is really nice.: I state smiling sitting down slowly pulling Angela down with me.

"How did you find this place Dalton?" Adrian asks curiously.

"Sometimes I like to get into my car and drive, and once I feel like I’m far away enough from town I pull my car over and get out. Then I just walk around enjoying the beauty and nature, the places I like the most I’ll return to." he explains looking around smiling.

"Nice, your own personal way to relax." Adrian states smiling.

Lunch was nice, Dalton made everything. Angela was eager to explore so as soon as we we're done eating she grabs my hand pulling me up and drags me with her.

"Pretty flowers." she repeats over and over. I regret putting her in a white skirt, because of how much she loves exploring. At the moment the hem of her skirt is covered in dirt.

'Angela you're getting dirt all over you." I state letting out a sigh lifting her up. She struggling in my arms jumping away and running back to Adrian and Dalton. Running my fingers through my hair I turn walking back to the three of them. As I'm walking back I notice that Angela is pouting, and Dalton is sitting cross legged fidgeting nervously. I also notice that one single plate remains on the picnic blanket with a silver cover over it,

"What’s that?" I asks curiously looking between Adrian and Dalton.

"Open it and see." Adrian says smiling at Dalton. Turning my head I glance at Dalton who's blushing madly. Kneeling down I life the lid to see a small dark blue velvet bow in the middle of the plate. I look up at Dalton who's watching me intently but won’t look at me. Lifting up the small bow I open it to see a small silver ring that was absolutely gorgeous.

"Dalton, I love it. It is absolutely beautiful." I say smiling at him widely. I watch as Dalton turns his head to look at Adrian who nods his head slowly. Dalton lets out a sigh, takes the rings from me and moves to kneel in front of me. 

"Yes!" I yell before slapping my hand over my mouth. 

"She said yes!" That was easy lets..." He stops once he notices that Adrian is giving him a stern glare. 

"I have to do this the long way. Symphony I love you. I love your caring nature, your beauty, and your loving nature. All I want to do is spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" the way Dalton's hand was shaking showed how nervous he was. 

"Yes! I will marry you!" I squeal wrapping my arms around his neck lunging at him causing him to fall backwards.

"Told you that was easy." Adrian states laughing from behind. Dalton moves so he's sitting and I'm in his lap.

"Looks like we have a wedding to begin planning." I say smiling before slamming my lips on his.


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