Chapter 19 part two

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 I don’t know how long I was out but when I finally came to and found a young woman with blond almost silver hair sitting besides my bed.

“I was starting to think you weren’t going to wake up. I was walking home when I heard a loud commotion in the alleyway.” She says calmly as she wraps gauze around my leg. I look at her confused trying to remember something, anything.

“You hit your head pretty hard, I’d understand if you don’t remember anything. My name is Whizdom Caito.” She says softly. I look at her shocked when I hear her last name. Then suddenly memories come flooding back. The trip, Verity, Darren acting weird, Darren…what happened to him? Then I remember, placing my hand on my stomach I let out a sigh of relief.

“Don’t worry your pup is aright.” She says softly.

“Caito, do you have brothers?” I ask curiously.

“No, I’m an only child.” She says shrugging.

“Are you sure?” I question worriedly.

“Yes, I think I’d know if I had brothers.” She says smiling standing up. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door.

“I wonder who that could be. I’m not expecting anyone.” She says shaking her head then walking out the room. Maybe it was because the door was open, or maybe the house was really small but I heard everything to the conversation.

“Good evening sir, what can I do for you?” Whizdom asks a southern accent to her tone.

“We’re investigation the disappearance of our Alpha and his Luna, and we’ve been going door to door.” a deep voice replies.

“Well I don’t know anything. This is usually a quite area.” Whizdom replies softly.

“The Alpha has a pregnant by the name of Symphony, she ahs dark brown hair, light blue eyes and if you see her ca you inform us at this number.” He says.

“I’ll do anything I can do to help. Have a nice day.” She says then closes the door. A few minutes later she comes back into the room.

“Never have I heard of an Alpha going missing. I’m assuming this Alpha is your mate and that he’s the one who pushed you. If you don’t mind me asking why?” she says softly resuming her seat besides my bed.

“We went on a trip to Main to visit some close friends; he began acting possessive and jealous. The longer we stayed the worst he got, he was convinced I was going to leave him. We were traveling home to Virginia when I fell asleep. When I woke up we were in a hotel room. Then everything went downhill, he pulled out a gun, so I tried to stall. He pulled the trigger and I ducked, the bullet blew the window out, I tried to get away but he grabbed me and pushed me out the window.” I explain letting out a sigh.

“Would you like for me to call someone?” she ask curiously.

“A few days ago I had this dream. Two large wolves walked into a clearing they began talking to me. Before I woke up the last thing they said to me was ‘Caito’. Before Darren attacked me I had another dream, this time it was two voices telling me I was in danger. I want to know why they gave me the name Caito and then I meet you. You have to know something.” I say staring at her dead in the eyes.

“I don’t know anything.” She says softly standing up. Reaching out I grab her hand and yank her towards me. Before I realize it I’m getting the answer I wanted.

“I can’t believe we let this happen! We almost lost her.” A man with dark black hair, green eyes, and a nice tan says pacing back and forth in form of my bed. Instantly I recognize his voice from my dreams.

“What about the pup, is the pup okay?” this man was the exact opposite of the first. Short blond hair, brown eyes, his skin was tan but not as tan as the first man.

“She and the baby are fine. The pup wasn’t even harmed and Symphony will make a full recovery.” Whizdom explains calmly.

“I expect you to take good care of her Whizdom. We almost blew it, I’m not taking anymore risk.” The first man says with an agitated expression.

“Calm down Dante, I’ll make sure she’s okay.” Whizdom says kneeling besides me on the other side of the second man.

“Come Adrian, we need to go before she wakes.” Dante says nudging Adrian who’s still sitting besides me.

“She’s so peaceful, she’s been through hell. Cant we just take her with us?” he says softly.

“Let’s go Adrian! Now!” Dante says before jerking him up dragging him away.

I stare at her for a few minutes before everything sets in. leaping out of bed I pin her to the wall with my hand wrapped tightly around her throat.

“YOU.LIED. TO.ME.” I growl tightening my grip.

“I had to! It was an order. I can’t defy Dante’s order.” She says scratching at my hands. Realizing her, I let her fall to the ground gasping for air.

“I don’t like being lied to.” I hiss my eyes locked on her. She doesn’t reply just stares at me. I let out a huff and walk into the bathroom and rip off the cast obviously not needing it, I look at myself in the mirror not liking what I see. My hair was darker a pitch black, with silver eyes that seemed to be glowing. Letting out a yawn I stop when I notice how sharp my canines were. They looked like two fangs, what the hell was going on.

Walking out the bathroom I find Whizdom no longer in the room. Walking over to her closet I pull out a long sleeved stripe shirt, some simple jeans, a jacket, and some brown boots. Going through her stuff I find everything I need. A pocketbook with a fake ID, passport and over 2k. I slip it into my pocket then walk over to the window. I stop listening for something, but it’s completely silent. Sliding the window up I squeeze out, luckily her house was only a one story. Looking around I notice the empty driveway and smile. Pulling the hood up I began walking away from her home. I’m so damn tired of people betraying me. No more being played for a fool, I’m taking my pup and I’m moving away. I’m starting over to have a better life.


Sorry, i havent been updated in a while i have scool so it'll be hard for me to update

Whizdom to the side

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