Chapter 35

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Thanksgiving Day

Out of all days, Angela come down with a small case of the stomach flu. Dalton had come over and was now helping Angela get ready.

“Do you think Angela will be okay to go? Dalton said her temperature has gone down but she’s still complaining her stomach hurts.” Adrian explains slipping into the bathroom as I begin straightening my hair.

“I think we’ll be okay. We can take some medicine with us and make sure she doesn’t eat too much food.” I say calmly. A moment later Dalton comes in with Angela in his arms her head resting on his shoulder.

“My poor baby.” I whisper moving to kiss her

“I got a small bag and put some medicine and some of her things she want.” Dalton explains softly. Nodding my head I can’t help but feel bad as Angela buries her face in Dalton’s neck.

Arriving at Monica pretty much everyone was there, and like Dalton predicted Whizdom wasn’t was a no show. I grab Delphine pulling her to the side.

“What’s going on with Whizdom?” I ask worriedly.

“I have no clue. She won’t return my calls, and when I went by the apartment she wasn’t there. I’m really worried about her.” She explains softly.

 “I called her a couple times and after a while it went straight to voice mail. Do you think something bad might have happened to her?” I say nervously.

“I hope not.” She states softly.

“Symphony, Delphine come on.” Monica says poking her head out from the living room.

We all sat in the living room talking amongst ourselves. Delphine and I managed to get Anastasia away from Dante. She was a small, shy woman. Long curly brown hair, pale blue eyes, and when I saw her besides Dante I found it adorable how he towered over her. I was extremely shocked to see Tanya in the living room, but of course she’s sitting in a recliner off to the side not paying anyone any attention. I noticed every time Monica, or Adrian, Delphine, or even Ashton would glance over at her. I was extremely curious as to what was upsetting Tanya. I never really got to know her, but I could tell she felt…out of place. When I heard Angela giggling I turn my head and see her on the floor playing with Jessalyn.

“Good to know she’s feeling better.” Dalton says turning his head to Adrian who nods his head.

We had all piled into the dining room and were now enjoying dinner. As we’re eating I notice how Tanya was constantly checking her phone and was often texting. Ashton didn’t seem like her was annoyed by her, but Monica looked like she was about to snap. Delphine ends up snatching Tanya’s phone away from her;

“Give it back!” Tanya yells reaching to take her phone back, all Delphine does is move away while continuing to look through the messages.

“Who’s this Alex you’re talking to?” Delphine ask looking at Tanya, whose glare looks so deadly if her looks could kill everyone in this room would be dead?

“It’s none of your damn business. GIVE. ME. THE. DAMN. PHONE.” She growls, jumping up from her seat eyes narrowed.

“I don’t have to do a damn thing.” Delphine growls back. Tanya’s growl just gets louder and louder before she turns on her heels storming from the room. The room is silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop. Monica lets out a sigh and prepares to stand, but I stop her.

“Let me talk to her.” I say softly.

I find Tanya sitting on the patio stairs hugging her knees sniffling. When I close the patio door she tenses up.

“Go away Mom I… ” she snaps turning but when she notices it’s me she stops.

“What do you want?” she asks curiously.

“I wanted to check on you, and make sure you’re okay.” I say softly. She goes quite and stares at me curiously before turning away. I move so I’m sitting besides her and let out a sigh.

“Talk to me Tanya.” I whisper softly.

“Why? I don’t even know you.” She snaps.

“Because it’s pretty damn obvious that something is bothering you.” I say looking at her.

“You wouldn’t understand.” She mumbles looking away.

“Try me,” I say crossing my arms.

“Well for starters I’m gay! I met a girl back home named Jamie we had been dating for three months and then we came here. I met a girl named Alexandria a few weeks ago, and I’m having mixed emotions about her. Yesterday Jamie ended things over the internet, not only that but before she ended it she admitted to me that she’d started a relationship with my EX-best friend. That’s what the hell is wrong!” I felt bad for Tanya and not only that but my heart went out to her. She felt alone and was hurting.

“Why won’t you talk to someone? Why are you keeping it in?” I ask worriedly.

“Because Mom wouldn’t understand. Adrian and Delphine are her much loved eldest children. Kyra and Jessalyn are worshiped; I’m just he messes up child. Dad doesn’t even try! What’s the point of living if I’m not wanted?” she sobs shaking violently. Moving so I’m in front of her I pull her hands away.

“Don’t ever say something like that again. I get it, you’re hurting but that doesn’t mean that you should end your life so early. I get it it’s hard for you to talk to others but now you have me. I had a hard life too; all but one of my brothers, my father, and my older sister have all been executed. And before that they attempted to kill me. Angela’s biological father tried to kill me while I was still pregnant with her and not only that he then killed himself and I still don’t know why. There were plenty of times when I’ve wanted to just stop the pain, but I didn’t. Because I knew it would get better, my life now proves it. I’m in love with two loving and caring men; I have a beautiful daughter with another one on the way. So life does get better, I know it does.” I state pulling her into a tight hug.

“Thank you Symphony, thank you.” She says continuing to cry into my chest.

We headed back inside and everyone had moved into the living room. No one said anything and I was happy when Tanya walked over to Monica pulling her up from her seat into a tight hug.

“I love you Mom, I really do. I’m sorry for the way I’ve been lately.” She says pulling Monica back smiling at her warmly. I move to sit between Adrian and Dalton when Adrian leans over to whisper in my ear;

“What happened?” he ask curiously.

“She just needed some confirmation.” I reply smiling. He looks confused, but leans back shrugging.

The night was over Adrian and Dalton were already in the car. I gave Tanya mu number and told her to call me anytime. When I got into the car Adrian turned to me smiling widely.

“I don’t know what you said or did, but thank you. I’m so happy to see Tanya herself again.” He says smiling gratefully.

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