Chapter 27

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It was now early October and it was hard keeping up with Angela, she walks, she runs, she crawls, and even Adrian is beginning to struggle keeping up with her. So we've decided to move in together and find a new home. Whizdom was going to stay in the apartment and Adrian, Angela, and I were going to find a new place. Delphine has moved in with Tristan and they were now building a strong relationship.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Angela squeals as Adrian enters the apartment. Angela was obviously a Daddy's girl, so of course the first word she learned was Daddy. He smiles widely and leans down lifting her up.

“My gorgeous princess and beautiful queen. How are you two doing?” he says kissing Angela’s cheek then leaning down pecking me on the lips.

“Whizdom is eager about getting us out of here. Technically if she wanted to kick us out she could. She already contacted my landlord and transferred the lease over to her.” I explain standing up from the stool.

“I connected our real estate agent. I told him our criteria and budget and he’s looking for some houses for us.” He explains smiling.

“When will he be able to get us to see some houses?” I ask curiously.

“He said he’ll contact me when he gets some houses we may like.” He explains moving into the living room.

One week later

Adrian’s friend Tyler found us the perfect home. Five bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, a large basement, and enormous backyard. The home was a few miles outside of Phoenix, but it was perfect. And now that we have our home we began packing, and since Whizdom was eager to get us out the apartment she was helping us pack. Most of the stuff being packed was personal items and clothes. Since Whizdom was staying all the furniture was going to stay too. Adrian said he was going to deal with all the furniture so I was looking forward to seeing our new home.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist an Adrian nuzzle my neck.

“I’m so tired.” He mumbles kissing my cheek then resting his chin on my shoulder.

“I’ve packed most of the clothes. It helps that Whizdom is staying so we don’t have to deal with the heavy furniture.”I explain placing the last of Adrian’s clothes in a box.

“I’m happy we’re getting our own place. Now that we have a larger home it will really help with Angela. She has so much space to run around.” He states pulling back to sit on the bed.

“She has alpha blood in her, she’s a fast developer.” I state sealing the box. He lets out a loud yawn and falls back on the bed, after a few minutes his breathing evens out. I grab the bow leaving to room to allow him to sleep and decided to load the box.

I set the box on the curb to open the trunk; I place the box inside and spin around only to jump back in surprise.

“Dante, you scared me. What are you doing here?” I say watching him nervously.

“Why are you loading boxes into Adrian’s truck?” he asks curiously.

“Uh, we are…moving to a new home. I needed to load the last of the boxes.” I explain shrugging.

“When you say ‘we’ you mean you and Angela. Right?” he asks crossing his arms. I stare at him nervously and begin messing with my fingers.

“No when I say ‘we’ I mean me, Angela, and Adrian.” I say not looking at him. I can fell the rage radiating off him, I was terrified and refused to look up. I hear a loud growl and I don’t look up until I can sense I’m alone. Dante scares me, he never seems to be able to control his temper.

It was pretty har keeping what happpened a secret from Whizdom because when Adrian woke up she told him and he was obviously upset.

“Sometimes I don’t understand Dante he’s such a bipolar asshole.” Adrian states shaking his head.

“They way he acts makes me question his way of thinking or even his wolf.” Whizdom states leaning back in her seat.

“I agree with her, there’s no way that Dante is thinking straight.” I say shaking my head.

“Enough about Dante, I’m ready to move in our new home.” Adrian states excitedly.

“Me too, Angela is still asleep if we get on the road she should wake up half way there. The drive is only about 30 to 45 minutes away.” I suggest shrugging.

“It’s going to be lonely without you guys here.” Whizdom states shaking her head.

“You’ll be okay Whizdom. At least you didn’t have to go through the hassle of moving furniture and everything. And it’s not like you can’t come visit us.” I explain smiling.

The ride was about 35 minutes long. The area was more of a suburban area, the apartment was close to the shopping district, there were a bunch of shops and businesses in the are so it was pretty active. Here it was nice and quite, I could sit and relax and listen to the soothing night. Like I predicted Angela woke up and was extremely eager to get out the car. The house itself was gorgeous the inside was even more amazing. Every room was large and spacious, there was a large office for two connected to the living room. I could deintently picture myself cooking in the large kitchen; the dining room too was amazing. There were three bedrooms upstairs, one on the main floor, and another in the basement. The third bedroom Adrian said he wanted to save it for Angela’s younger siblings, he had a dazed and dream expression on his face so I just shrugged it off. The basement was turned into Adrian’s man cave; the bedroom down there would be used just in case he ever pissed me off.

“Princess lets go see your new room. “ Adrian says kneeling down lifting Angela in his arms. I followed Adrian upstairs to see Angela’s room. Knowing Adrian he probably went all out for her.

When Adrian opened the door it was any little girls dream room. A white four poster canopy bed, with pink and purple everything. There were toys and dolls everywhere; her closet was full of nice clothes. Angela let out a squeal and jumps from Adrian’s arm jumping into a huge mountain of stuffed animals.

“Come, while she’s distracted I want to show you our new room.” He whisper leaning down nuzzling my neck. I let him guide me down the hall, then opening the door to reveal the best room in the house. A dark wooded four poster bed, two walk in closets, a huge master bedroom with a nice Jacuzzi tub, and a small sitting area with a fireplace. I glance at Adrian shocked before grabbing his face and slamming my lips on his. I pull back and smile at him.

“I love it.” I whisper pecking him on the lips again.

“Good, I was hoping you would.” He states leaning down kissing me gently. What causes us to pull apart is a tugging; looking down Angela is sucking her thumb looking up at Adrian curiously. He leans down lifting her into his arms pecking her cheek. He turns to me and pulls me into his arms.

“Got my two perfect girls, right here.” He states smiling.


New home on the side

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