Chapter 1

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'Come back here!' a voice shouted while Rose tried to run away. She wasn't fast enough. She had to be quicker. He was catching up.

'Leave me alone!' Rose shouted back, tears running down her face. She had to reach the TARDIS before it was too late. Suddenly she saw a closed door. That was the end, now she couldn't get away from him anymore...

'You will learn not to run away from me,' a voice said from behind her.

'Jimmy, please, no...' Rose whispered.

'Look at me!' Jimmy shouted.

Rose lifted up her head and tried to look at Jimmy, but the next thing she saw was a hand that slapped her across the face. She felt blood on her cheek, but she knew that this was only the beginning.

'No one to save you here, you worthless, pathetic...' Jimmy began, but Rose interrupted him by screaming.

'SHUT UP!' Jimmy shouted and he slapped her again, so hard that Rose fell on the ground. Rose looked up and saw her so-called boyfriend towering above her, that was when she noticed the knife he held in his hand. He raised the knife, and...

'ROSE! Rose wake up!' a voice said.

Rose noticed that she was just lying in her bed, soaking in her own sweat. When she opened her eyes, she saw a dark figure standing next to her bed. No... no, not Jimmy again!

'No! Get away from me! Please!' she shouted and she tried to get away from the man who was still standing there, too close for Rose's liking.

'Rose... Rose, calm down, it's me, you were having a bad nightmare,' the man said, and suddenly Rose recognized the warm voice. He couldn't be Jimmy. It was the Doctor.

She quickly wiped away her tears and tried to calm down a bit. The Doctor sat down next to her, on her bed and he wrapped his arms around her to comfort her.

'It's okay, it's over,' he soothed.

'No, no it's not over!' Rose said, still panicked.

'No one is going to harm you here, you are safe,' the Doctor tried again, but somehow, he didn't succeed in reassuring Rose.

'What do you know?' Rose said a little bit harshly.

'Quite a lot,' the Doctor answered and he frowned, Rose was really scared for something and he didn't know why. 'Do you want to tell me what the nightmare was about?'

Rose just shook her head as tears were welling up again.

'It could help, you know, talking about it, maybe I can help,' the Doctor said, still holding her tightly.

'You can't, I don't want to talk about it,' Rose said and she started crying again.

'I am not allowing you to do this to yourself, Rose, tell me what's wrong,' the Doctor demanded. 'Look at me.'

Then Rose pushed the Doctor away. The way he told her to look at him was just too close to the way Jimmy had told her to. It scared her and it certainly didn't make her feel better.

'Please, I am not leaving you before I know what you are upset about. I don't want to see you like this, I want you to smile again,' the Doctor tried again and Rose saw that he was being honest. His warm eyes were nothing like the cold eyes Jimmy always had.

Still, she couldn't talk about it, it was too hard. She shook her head again and bit her lip, trying to fight back her tears.

'If you don't tell me, then I will find out myself,' the Doctor said with a determined look on his face. Rose got the hint, of course, the Doctor could get into her mind and read it. He could follow everything she had been through.

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