Chapter 42

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The Doctor was storming though the building, searching for Rose. Donna knew the directions, but she couldn't remember which room they had been in. When she had been taken away, she was too busy trying to resist her captors. But luckily for them both (mainly because there was no telling what the Doctor would do if he couldn't find Rose) Timothy was guarding one of the doors, which gave Rose's location away. Before Donna could stop him, the Doctor ran over to Timothy, anxious to find Rose.

'Is Rose in here?' the Doctor asked impatiently.

Timothy shielded the door with his body. 'You can't enter. I am sorry, but you can't.'

'IS SHE IN HERE?' the Doctor raged, making Timothy flinch.

'You can't enter this room,' he simply repeated.

'I'll take that as a yes, then. You will let me in,' the Doctor told Timothy, his voice low and menacing.

There was a hint of fear in Timothy's eyes, but not enough for the man to draw his gun and aim it at the Time Lord.

'If you are going to be difficult, I can shoot you. According to the stories we have been told, you are a man of many faces. You can change yourself when you die. I can shoot you.'

The Doctor growled under his breath. 'Do you really think a gun is going to stop me? Me? The master of time and space? I simply refuse to let a simple, miserable organism like you make me regenerate. There is no power in the entire universe that can stop me from protecting my companions. Do not stand in my way.'

In one quick movement, the Doctor slammed away the gun and he grabbed Timothy tightly by his jaw. He knew exactly how far he could go before actually breaking it.

'Let me warn you, if I find out that my Rose is hurt in any way, you will be on the receiving end of my full rage. Now open this door for me before I crunch your jaw,' the Doctor hissed.

'You c-can't! She is... dressing,' Timothy breathed, desperately trying to make his lie convincing.


'Y-yes. Now let me go!'

'Tell me exactly why she would be dressing? Have you touched her? If you have...' the Doctor asked furiously, tightening his grip even more so that there was a sickening crunch.

Donna quickly pulled the Doctor back to stop him, before he could cause more damage. The poor man could not speak anymore from the pain, but he still shook his head, cowering back from the Time Lord.

'He was lying, Doctor. Rose isn't dressing. There must be something else going on,' Donna soothed.

'Start praying for your life right now, Timothy. I need Rose back in exactly the same state as I have left her. If she is not... Well, I will leave that to your imagination,' the Doctor said with a feral grin. 'Oh, by the way, make sure someone gets my clothes. I want them back. I hate these stinking human clothes. Now give me the keys for this room.'

Timothy reached for the keys in his pocket and handed them over to the Doctor with a shaking hand. While the Doctor opened the door, Donna scolded him for hurting Timothy, who had run off to fetch the Doctor's clothes.

'You didn't have to break his jaw,' Donna hissed angrily.

'I didn't break it.'

'Then what was that sound?'

'His teeth.'

'You broke his teeth? How is that even possible?' Donna asked incredulously.

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