Chapter 41

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Rose and Donna had been put in a small room without having a clue about where the Doctor had gone. It had been hours, and nothing had happened thus far. That would probably be a good thing, since the Doctor would never leave without them, but still... Not having any idea at all about what was going on, what they were doing to the Doctor, it made them feel restless. Maybe the Doctor had given in, maybe he was really going after the king. Maybe he would actually help the village just to protect his companions. When Rose and Donna had talked about almost every possible scenario together, someone knocked on their door and unlocked it, entering the room.

'Hello, ladies. Jacob told me to check on you. Everything okay here?' Timothy asked neutrally.

'Of course we are not okay,' Donna snapped, crossing her arms. 'You have put us away here, you have parted us from the Doctor!'

'What are you doing with him?' Rose asked.

'He is in a cell at the moment, but I am sure he will help us very soon. He refuses to react to anything, he just sits in a corner and he doesn't say or do anything. But Jacob believes that he is just acting, he thinks that he will get him to talk... with the right treatments...'

'WHAT!?' Donna yelled. 'You are torturing him?'

Timothy shrugged. 'Well, he still refuses to give a reaction.'

'As if he is going to cooperate if you torture him,' Donna said.

'Listen to me, Timothy,' Rose said with a low voice. 'If you continue this, he will not be so tame anymore. He doesn't have us to stop him. You really should get us out of here and bring us to him before he does something stupid.'

'He doesn't look very dangerous to me right now,' Timothy said.

'He is holding back because he knows that he can't hurt anyone. Because we told him so. But we are not there to stop him now,' Rose explained calmly.

'I can't let you out. I have my orders.'

'You have no idea... No idea at all... You are in so much trouble... Provoke the Doctor enough and he will snap. And he will not take it out on the king, if that's what you are thinking. No, he will take it out on you. You and everyone else in this village. If you knew what he is capable of, you wouldn't even dare to capture him, let alone torture him. You would run,' Rose hissed.

'Just let us go before it is too late!' Donna added impatiently.

Timothy only laughed, leaving the ladies astonished. How could a man be so stupid?

'You don't get it, do you? That Time Lord cares for you, he listens to you. He doesn't hurt us because he knows that we have you and that we will hurt you if he tries anything,' he grinned. 'You are our assurances. Therefore, we can't let you go.'

Rose shook her head. 'No... he doesn't hurt you because he knows where that will lead him. That is, he doesn't hurt you yet.'

'I'm sorry. But Jacob has been very clear about this. If the Doctor still refuses to cooperate after we are done with him, we will have to use one of you against him. The beauty of this is that you are with two! So we can kill one, to prove the Doctor that we are not just making empty threats, and then we still have another one left!' Timothy smiled.

'What?' Donna asked, her eyes narrowing. 'You are so sick... the Doctor would never let you kill one of us. He will kill you. He will slaughter you. Doesn't that scare you?'

'He isn't going to do anything, don't you worry. He is behind bars, without anything. We have given him other clothes, we have deadlocked his cell. He will be released only when he realises that he can't win. That he will lose you if he refuses to help us.'

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